39 - Club

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*Elizabeth's POV*

"Oh," is all I can manage to say in reply.

I hang up the Facetime and lay back on my bed. Why would Anthony do that? He said he loved me. He said he cared. I trusted him with my love, my kindness, my past, my everything. So much for "forgive and forget".

"Fuck you, Trujillo." I whisper, glancing at my open closet.

The first thing that catches my eye is the first sweatshirt I stole from him, a white OFC sweatshirt. It stings, knowing that I'm probably not the only girl that has one of his sweatshirts. That he meant so much to me, but I probably didn't mean nearly as much to him. That I thought about him, while he was off fucking other girls. That I missed him and loved him, while he went back to his gold-digging ex. That all the times he said "I love you" he could've been saying it to who knows how many other girls.

I get up to grab a carton of ice cream from my freezer. I'm halfway to the couch when there's a knock at the door. Lindsay is standing there in a black dress.

"Get dressed. We're going out." She says.

"I have things to do," I reply. I'm really not in the mood to go back.

"Like what? Eat ice cream and binge watch your favorite shows, while thinking about how you 'weren't good enough' and stuff? I'm not going to let you do that to yourself. Maybe you've only known me for a few months, but you're definitely one of my best friends. And best friends don't do this to each other." Lindsay rants. She makes a good point.

"Fine," I sigh, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

Lindsay follows me to my room, where I explain the whole Anthony situation to her. She helps me put on a tight, white dress and curls my hair. Then, she assists me with my makeup.

"I'm sorry honey, you can do way better than him. Someone who cheats isn't worth your time." Lindsay replies.

"I know, but I still love him. I just don't know how to stop."

Lindsay doesn't say anything, instead nods her head. She leads me to her Uber that was waiting outside. The Uber drives us to the French club. Once I step inside, I'm overwhelmed by the scent of alcohol. I follow Lindsay to the bar, where she orders two (much needed) drinks.

"To forgetting," She says, lightly tapping my glass.

"To forgetting," I repeat.

I look around me, at all the people having fun. Maybe it won't be so bad to let go and forget, for just one night. The cool liquid flows down my throat and I'm instantly relaxed. Maybe tonight won't be so bad. I glance around the club, something I would soon regret. Suddenly, I see a face I recognize. Big brown eyes, tall,
brown hair. So much for forgetting...

•Hey guys! hope you enjoy this chapter! make sure you check out my other fanfiction. you can find it on my profile! thanks for reading. also, i don't really like the direction this fanfiction is going, so i might end it soon.•

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