28 - The Blonde

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*Elizabeth's POV*

Anthony and I were sitting on my bed, watching Netflix, and cuddling. It was Anthony's last night here. I was so upset that he was leaving. He had only been here for 3 days. I thought he was coming for a week, but there were "problems" and he had to go back earlier. As much as I wanted to know what those problems were, I trusted him. He paused the movie and stood up, kissing my cheek. Anthony walked into my bathroom and I checked my phone. It turns out, I had texts from Chance, Jake, and Tessa.

Jake: I'm sorry. you don't deserve this. I'm not sure if he told you yet, but I'm here for you.

Chance: I'm sorry I tried to stop him. I really did.

Tessa: be careful with him, bb. jake and chance won't tell me what happened but I'm tryna figure out. I don't want my bestfriend to get hurt.

I text Jake and Chance and asked them what they are talking about. I know the texts are about Anthony, but what did he do? When he returns from the bathroom, he is looking down at his phone. A frown flicks across his face but it quickly disappears. I want to ask him what Chance and Jake were talking about, but I don't want to make it seem like I don't trust him. Instead, I drop the subject and enjoy the rest of the night with him.

When I awake, I'm laying in bed alone. I begin to walk to the kitchen to get breakfast, when I hear a muffled voice. It sounds like Anthony, like he's arguing with someone. Sadly, I can only hear his side of the conversation. He must be on the phone.

"Yes, I know I should tell her...No, I'm not going to. I can't... She's going to hate me...It
was one time... We didn't do anything... I don't know, I just feel like she would... You're right, she deserves to know...Bye."

I hear Anthony sigh, and I take that as my cue. I walk into the kitchen and look at Anthony. He has his phone in one hand, his other hand in his hair. The expression on his face reads annoyance. When he sees me, a guilty look crosses his face.

"We need to talk..."

*Jake's POV*

"What did he do?" Tessa whines, tugging on my arm.

I ignore her and pick up my phone. Elizabeth is texting me, asking me a bunch of questions. I wonder if Anthony has told her. Probably not.

I can't tell her what he did because they had such a strong friendship. I didn't want to ruin that because of something that doesn't mean anything.

Eventually, Tessa leaves to go film a vlog for her channel. Five minutes later, the doorbell goes off. Sighing, I walk over to it and see a familiar face. The blonde is standing there, in a black cropped hoodie and booty shorts. Before I can say anything, Chance is behind me. Both him and I know what she's up to.

"Is Tony here?"

•oooh drama!!!! hope y'all enjoy this•

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