20 - Memories

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*Anthony's POV*

When Elizabeth pushed me away, I knew something was up. I also knew that I couldn't ask her what was wrong. She looked at me, confused.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I whispered, stroking her hair.

She shoved my hand off her, and once again gave me a strange look. Almost as if she didn't recognize me.

I got up to find the doctor and ask her what was happening.

"Excuse me, Dr. ..." I trailed off.

"Dr. Wright," she said, extending her hand.

"Anthony Trujillo," I said, shaking it. "Um, do you know what is happening with my girlfriend? She is acting like she doesn't know me."

The doctor sighs. "We were worried this would happen." She crosses her arms across her chest and gives me a solemn look. "We should've checked to see. I knew this was going to happen," she mutters, more to herself than me. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Trujillo. When Elizabeth fainted, she must've lost her memory. Her brain must be damaged."

My heart fell and I almost collapsed. I leaned against the wall for support and took a deep breath.

"So she doesn't remember me? She doesn't know who I am? Or who her friends are?"

The doctor shook her head.

"You have two options. We can wait for her to get her memory back. It could be hours, it could be months. We have no way of knowing when she will get it back, however she definitely will. Or, we can operate on her. With each surgery comes risks, however, and we could damage her brain, causing her to permanently lose her memory. What do you want to do?"

"I'll wait."

I'll do what it takes for her to remember because I love her.

After talking to the doctor for a while, I went back to Elizabeth's room.

*Elizabeth's POV*

"Hello, I'm Anthony." He said, sitting on the edge of my bed. "I'm your boyfriend."

Anthony? The name rang a bell.

Boyfriend? It's like something went off in my head and I remembered everything. Memories came flooding back.

I still couldn't say anything, but I pulled Anthony in for a hug.

"I love you," I croaked, my voice barely a whisper.

•guys you didn't really think I would make her lose her memory right? I mean, i would've but i didn't really want her to. also, 2 posts for today cause why not! :) so i'm thinking about getting some sort of posting schedule set up cause i feel like i just post whenever. for now, it's going to be daily but some days of the week i'm really busy, so sorry if i miss one! if it gets too crazy i'll change it, but for now that's that!•

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