10 - The Bridge

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-Jake's POV-
I was working in the office when I heard the front door slam. I walked outside the room to see who it was and an angry Anthony comes up to me. I can tell he's been crying.
Anthony: What the fuck Jake?
Jake: What?
Anthony: I have no fucking idea what you said to Elizabeth, but you fucking ruined her.
Jake: It was a mistake, I didn't mean to hurt her like this.
Anthony: Yeah, well maybe you should fucking fix it. And fix my relationship too.
He stormed out of the room and upstairs. Shit, I really fucked up this time...
-Elizabeth's POV-
I was taking a shower in Logan's apartment, when I heard the door burst open. I could hear muffled yelling through the door, but I wanted to know what was going on. I wrapped myself in a towel and walked into Logan's room, where I crouched in the corner.
Logan: What do you mean, this is my fault? All I did was help Lizzy get a ticket to Ohio and stay at my place so she didn't have to spend time with the dickhead who fucking shattered her heart.
The other person, I could see was Jake, looked really aggravated. I moved out of the way so neither Jake nor Logan could see me, and continued to eavesdrop.
Jake: The only reason I said those things to her was because I took out all my anger on her. All of my anger and hurt from the diss track YOU made.
Logan: Fuck, Jake. You know I wasn't being serious I was just doing it for the views.
Jake: Yeah well, it's still your fault.
No, it wasn't Logan's fault. Or Jake's. Or anyone's fault. It was my fault. I grabbed the booty shorts and Maverick hoodie from the dresser and threw them on. All of a sudden I hear a loud crash and a pained cry. I ran out into the living room and saw Logan and Jake beating each other up. Jake was on the floor and Logan was on top of him, about to punch him again when I screamed.
Elizabeth: Stop it, Logan. Just stop.
I noticed Jake was unconscious and Logan was holding his arm weirdly. I took out my phone and called an ambulance. Within minutes, an ambulance showed up and the EMTs took away Jake. We, Logan and I, hopped in the car and I drove him to the hospital. We arrived and doctors escorted Logan away. I went to the front desk to ask about Jake. The lady told me he was ok, but not accepting visitors. I thanked her, put on a fake smile, and walked out of the hospital.
I drove to the Team 10 house and walked into my room. I scribbled a note on a piece of paper:
Don't come looking for me. Everything was fine here, until I came and fucked it up. I'm sorry, it's better if I leave. I love you all and you mean the world to me. Thank you for being a family to me when I needed one. I'm sorry.
I stuck it on my dresser and rushed back into my car. I drove to the bridge, and parked my car. I sat on the edge of it, my feet dangling over rushing water. The view was beautiful. Such a shame I had to see it under these conditions.
I was about to jump down and end this. Everything was my fault. Jake's in the hospital because of me, Anthony hates me, and Logan is stuck in all this drama. Because of me. I lifted up the sleeve of my sweatshirt and noticed the faint white lines across my arm. I had cut myself when I was with Jack. He made me feel useless and foolish. But I stopped when I was with Anthony. He made me feel important, happy, and special. And I just threw that away like it was nothing.
I started to push myself away from the bridge but someone wrapped an arm around me and pulled me backwards. They shoved a wet cloth, obviously drugged, in my face and slowly my vision faded into black...

•who do you guys think it is? hope you like this chapter, sorry for all the cliffhangers but they are so fun to write!•

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