26 - Surprise

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*Elizabeth's POV*

"Elizabeth wake up!"

"What?" I ask, groggily wiping my eyes.

"The flight landed. Here's your bag." Lindsay answered, handing me my black drawstring bag.

"Thanks." I say.

Lindsay nodded, and I followed her out of the airport.

"So where are you staying?" She asks, as we walk to the baggage claim together.

"My manager rented me an apartment somewhere."

"Omg, same!" Lindsay squeals. "Like really close to the Eiffel Tower?"

"Yeah, right by it."

"Ahh!" She exclaims. "What's your apartment number?"

"4027. Yours?"

"4028! We're neighbors!"

I let out a small giggle, and grab Lindsay's bag.

"You almost missed it," I reply, jokingly shaking my head.


Lindsay and I traveled to our apartments together. It was time to go our separate ways.

"Let's meet up tomorrow, for breakfast," I suggest.

"Here, give me your number."

I hand her my phone and she inputs her number.

"Thanks, Ill text you."

At that moment my phone buzzed and it was a text from Tony.

"Hey, are you okay?" Lindsay asks, noticing my solemn expression.

"Yeah, I just got a text from my boyfriend. He's back in LA. I just miss him."

"Aww, boo, it'll be okay." She says, wrapping an arm around me.


"Bye, girl! See ya tomorrow!"

The first thing I did in my apartment was change. I put on some black shorts and one of Anthony's sweatshirts that I stole. I sat on my couch, turned on the TV and opened his text.

tony💕: hey babe. how's Paris?

elizabeth❤️: good, just landed and got settled in my apartment.

tony💕: i miss you

elizabeth❤️: imyt💕

I put down my phone and turned my attention to the TV. Before I knew it, my eyelids started to droop and I feel asleep in the comfort of Anthony's scent.

The next 3 weeks flew by. Lindsay and I talked a lot, we hung out almost everyday, and filming the moving was so fun. As the end of the first month neared, I was getting busier and busier. After all, everyone was getting a week long break from filming. Anthony still made an effort to talk to me. We texted each morning and night, the best parts of my day. Since tonight was my last night for this month, I got let out early. Lindsay had to stay later, so I went home and FaceTimed Anthony.

"Hey babe." He says, answering the call.

"I swear I'm going crazy without you." I reply.

It felt so good to hear his voice again.

"I miss you."

"I miss you too." I say. "Where are you going?" I ask, realizing that he is in a car.

"Oh, uh...I'm on my way home from dinner." He hesitated before answering.

I shrugged it off. We made small talk for a little while.

"I gotta go, babe. Bye, I miss you!" He says, after almost 40 minutes.

"Bye. I love you." I blow him a kiss.

"I love you too," He replies, before hanging up.

10 minutes into another episode of one of my shows, there is a knock at the door. I assume it's Lindsay, so I rush over to it. When I open it, I am greeted by a different surprise.

•who's at the door? late update, i'm sorry! i was really busy this weekend. anyway, have a great day! hope you liked this chapter!•

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