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*Anthony's POV*

As I board my flight, I am glad to feel relief flood through me. I love Elizabeth, I truly do, but I can't bare the thought of hurting her. The whole trip, the guilt was eating me alive. I was going to explain, I should've explained, but I just couldn't. I know how much it will hurt her, how much it would break her. I know how much damage has already been done to her. I know she can't take this because she's been hurt too many times, by careless people who don't give a fuck about her. But I do. I love her with every fiber of my being. Which is why I couldn't hurt her and tell her the truth. Jake and Chance think I came here to tell her the truth. How I did something so stupid. But I couldn't loose her. I just couldn't.

Which is why Jake and Chance didn't need to know that.

~a few days later (week 7 of Elizabeth's trip)~

*Elizabeth's POV*

"Two weeks til I get to go home!" I shout, as I dance around my apartment.

Lindsay chuckles, then a frown appears on her face.

"Wait you get to leave in two weeks? I have to stay for another month and a half!" She exclaims.

"I'm going to miss you." I say, suddenly the mood turning solemn. "Let's watch Riverdale," I add, eager to brighten the mood.

Lindsay nods, and we cuddle on the couch under a pile of blankets. This was supposed to make me happy, but it really isn't working. Instead of focusing on the TV show, my mind is elsewhere.

I'm thinking about how lately, Anthony has been texting me less and less. I know we are both busy but it feels like we never text anymore. I'm starting to feel like he doesn't love me anymore. Even if he does, he really doesn't show it.

3 episodes of Riverdale later, Lindsay is back home in her apartment. I'm on my phone,
scrolling through Twitter. Something catches my eye, and it definitely isn't good.

YouTube star Anthony Trujillo was spotted at the Grove. Trujillo was kissing his so called ex, Peyton Reed. What does this mean for his relationship with actress and model Elizabeth Warner? Click the link below to find out!

•come on Tony? WYD? I told you guys I would post so here's a shitty chapter. I'm really sorry, i'm going to try to update this story more often! this is really short too, so so sorry!! xox love y'all•

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