03 - Kidnapped?

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-Elizabeth's POV-
I woke up and, for a second, forgot where I was. Someone's arm was around me. Then, I remembered last night and cuddled into Anthony. He tightened his grip around me and pulled me closer to him. I think I was starting to catch feelings for him. I don't know if I can trust him yet. After what happened with Jack, I don't know who to trust.

Anthony: Good morning, beautiful.

I giggled and hoped Anthony couldn't see me

Elizabeth: Good morning, Anthony.

Anthony: How are you?

Elizabeth: I don't know. Better, but not quite good, I guess.

I could feel him nod. I turned around so I was facing Anthony. His hair was all messed up but it was perfect. I hadn't noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt until now. There was a knock on my door.

Elizabeth: I'm coming!

I looked over at Anthony, who was laying in my bed. He smiled at me and motioned for me to open the door. Outside of it, Tessa was standing. I let her in and shut the door behind her. She glanced over at my bed.

Tessa: Anthony? What are you doing here?

She looked really confused and I started laughing.

Anthony: I slept with Elizabeth last night.

Tessa looked bewildered.

Anthony: Not like that.

He shook his head and chuckled.

Elizabeth: I asked him to sleep here. Trust me, nothing happened.

Tessa: Alrighty, well everyone is going to the beach if you guys wanna come.

Elizabeth: Sure!

Anthony nodded in agreement and Tessa left.

Elizabeth: Thank you.

Anthony: For what?

Elizabeth: Staying with me last night.

-Anthony's POV-

Anthony: I want to stay with you every night.

Elizabeth blushed and looked down.

Anthony: Shit. Did I say that out loud? Uhm... I have to get a swimsuit on.

She laughed, but I knew it was forced. I exited her room as I felt my face get hot. Dammit Anthony. Why are you so goddamn stupid? All I could do was walk to my room and shut the door behind me. I changed from the sweatpants I was wearing into a swimsuit. I put on a white OFC shirt and headed downstairs to meet with everyone else. Tessa, Erika, Jake, Chance, Chad, Tristan, Kade, and the Martinez twins were already waiting. Elizabeth came down, and we all piled into the Team 10 van. I tried to avoid Elizabeth, but with my luck I got stuck next to her. Everyone around us was immersed in their conversations. It was just me and Elizabeth. She was wearing a cream colored crop top with jean shorts. It was hard for me to not check her out cause she was so beautiful.

Elizabeth: So what's your favorite part of LA?

Anthony: I don't know. I guess I love it all. I like how there's always something to do too. Like I'm never bored.

I chuckled and Elizabeth looked at me and smile. She had the prettiest smile I've ever seen. After making small talk for while, we arrived at the beach. The whole squad hopped out of the van.

Elizabeth: Oooh! Insta photo op! Tony, can you take a couple pics of me?

Anthony: Sure.

Elizabeth squealed and handed me her phone. She ran over to a graffiti wall, lined with bushed. There was a rustle in the bushes but she paid no attention. It was probably just an animal. I was focused on taking the pictures when a man in all black jumped out and grabbed Elizabeth. He put one hand on her waist and used the other to cover her mouth. The man began to run away with Elizabeth in his arms...

•Ooh, a cliffhanger. So, Anthony and Elizabeth will get together soon. I still need a ship name. Anthabeth or Elizthony? Bye!•

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