The Ride part -2

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I grabbed his hands tightly as the helicopter began to take off.

"Hey... its ok.. i will never let anything happen to you.. Trust me" he said while giving my hands a gentle squeeze.

"I know i trust you. Its just that i have never done these kinda  thing before" i replied him and closed my eyes tightly.

"Look at me. Its just a fun ride.. trust me you will love this experience" he said very gently.

"I really hope so" i mumbled.

He dint let go off my hands.

"Open your eyes and enjoy the view. You have to fight with your fear." he said very gently looking at me.

I opened my eyes slowly. And turn my gaze to the window. I was awestruck by the scenary. Its was breathtaking i had never thought that my city can look this beautiful from  hieght. I mean it was amazing and at that moment i dint even thought about my fear i was enjoying the view. I let go off my hands from his hold. And looked around.

"Liked it?" He said smiling his innocent smile.

"Yeah.. i mean i was always scared of this. But this is beautiful.. its so amazing... Thank you.." i replied looking at him.

"Anytime" he said smiling at me.

I was still a little nervous from inside but not that scared anymore. I dont know why but i knew that as long as am with Ryan am going to be safe..he was really happy when he saw me enjoying the view.... we smiled at each other but dint said anything.. Actually this was the first time that someone had planned this for me. I was really feeling special at that time.

"So finally i had the experience of flying .. thanks to you" i said looking at him when we were in the car returning from our helicopter ride.

"I am glad you enjoyed it" he said holding my hand.

And that time i realise that instead of stopping this relation between us it started growing. We Were one step ahead now. What should i do now. I shouldnt have holded his hands like that. It was all my fault. Its getting worse how am i going to stop this now. I let out a sign and turnet my gaze to the window..

"Ready for the next surprise?" He asked me in excitement.

"There is more??" I asked him with my fake excitement. This is getting worse i love his surprises but i have to say things to him that are really hurting and i will never gonna get the courage to say that if he will continue being this sweet to me..

"Yep. Just one more.. " he replied with his super cute grin..



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