Chapter 5: Second meet

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The pain was overwhelming. So this is what it feels to die. Alec had always wondered about it. When you were a shadowhunter, death was just around the corner. And now he knew. This was it. He had expected some relief and maybe a white light at the end of the tunnel. But pain was all he felt. And a darkness that was so thick, that he thought it would never end.


Magnus couldn't concentrate on reading the old spell book Tessa had sent him from the Spiral Labyrinth. He felt edgy without knowing why. A feeling of unease was creeping up on him, as if something was wrong in the universe. Something that shouldn't be wrong. When he stood up to stretch his legs for the zillionth time, a fire message appeared on his desk.

Dear Warlock Bane,

I beseech thee that thou would come and help us. We are in grave need of thine assistance and expertise. Alexander Lightwood has been struck down by a greater demon and is, as we speak, dying of the wounds inflicted on him. I have no cure, and no time, and nowhere else to turn to. Please come. Thou will find we will pay thee exorbitantly.

Sincerely, Hodge Starkweather. Nephilim. New York Institute

Magnus stared at the note, thinking back at the pledge he made. No interference in shadowhunter business. He closed his eyes, but Alec's blue eyes were there in the darkness. Shining as he laughed, like a light was flipped on inside of him. He had laughed at Magnus's stupid joke. He had actually been sympathetic to the warlock. It wasn't your fault. You can't help how you're born. Magnus had known and even liked only a few shadowhunters before in his life. But this kind of sympathy from a shadowhunter, from a Lightwood no less, was certainly unexpected.

And it was this shadowhunter who now lay dying of the wounds inflicted on him. Magnus knew he had no choice, he had to go. Because shadowhunter or not, Alec Lightwood deserved to live.

He hurried through his potions, gathering what he needed. Hastily he dressed himself in black tight pants, a dress shirt and a long, flowing coat. He walked downstairs and almost bumped into the green vamp bike parked outside. "What idiotic vamp has left his bike here?" Magnus muttered. He quickly ordered a cab and thirty minutes later he was standing in front of the Institute. He rang the doorbell. No answer. He rang again and was just about to do it a third time when the door opened and Isabelle Lightwood was standing at the threshold. Looking exhausted and scared. "What?" she asked, then recognition showed in her eyes. "Magnus Bane? Why are you here?"

"Bring me to your brother," Magnus said, "And tell me what happened."

"How did you know? Did someone tell you?" Isabelle sounded incredulous.

"That is of no importance," Magnus replied, "What happened?"

Isabelle walked with him to the elevator while she gave him the details. The greater demon Abbadon had struck his claws into Alec's chest and his left leg was in bad shape, too. They entered the infirmary and Magnus saw the tall shadowhunter boy lying motionless on one of the beds.

"Where is his own bedroom?" he asked Isabelle, "I want him there, assuming it's smaller. It'll contain my magic better. And I need the privacy, no distractions." He bowed over the bed and carefully lifted the boy from the bed and walked after Isabelle to Alec's bedroom. There he lay Alec down on his bed.

"Is he going to be alright?" Isabelle asked, sounding frightened. Alec moaned, trying to say something to his sister.

"I don't know," said Magnus, "But you need to leave, this is too much exertion for him. He's trying to reassure you while he needs all his energy to focus on himself."

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