Chapter 16: Tenth meet

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Magnus was staring at the ceiling of his bedroom when he heard the key in the lock of the front door. Alec was coming over, as he had said he would. Magnus didn't feel the excitement he usually felt when it came to Alec.

His thoughts wandered back to last night, it seemed like a weird dream to him now. Clary's mundane friend, Stanley, rising to become a vampire. He remembered Alec growing pale, reaching out to reassure him, only to find thin air where Alec had just been. He'd moved away from him, not wanting him to touch him in front of the others. It had hurt. Magnus's mood had changed instantly from curious wonder to mere chagrin. They had brought Stanley to Clary's home, which was also the house of Luke Garroway, the leader of the downtown New York werewolf pack. They had cleaned the boy up and brought him to his own house. Clary had to be driven back to her house in Luke's pickup truck and only after that could Magnus finally return to his loft. Not alone of course, he had to bring the annoying blonde Shadowhunter with him.

"I'll come by tomorrow," Alec had called after them when they parted ways. Magnus didn't know if that remark was meant for him or for Jace but he suspected the latter, which only made him more cranky.

Jace and Magnus had taken a cab back to Brooklyn. "So, how was your day with Alec?" Jace had asked, innocently.

"Shut up," Magnus had replied and Jace, wise as he was, did just that.

Back home Magnus hadn't slept that well. He kept tossing and turning, thinking about Alec. Wondering how many times he was going to let that Shadowhunter get to him before he would draw a line.

Now Alec had come. It was already far into the afternoon. They had come home around sunrise and Magnus only just woke up. He hadn't heard Jace jet, today. No vacuuming on Sundays, apparently. He heard Alec walk to the kitchen and there were muffled voices. He heard the coffee machine rattle and the scent of freshly made coffee wafted through the loft into his bedroom.

He was contemplating getting up just when he heard a soft knock on his door. "Come in," he said and Alec entered, holding two cups of coffee. He shut the door behind him with his foot and came to the bed, handing Magnus a cup. Magnus sat up and took it, looking into Alec's eyes.

Alec, who was barefoot, went to sit on the bed. His long legs stretched out before him, ankles crossed. "Magnus," he said, and the way he said it was almost enough for Magnus to put away the coffee and wrap his arms around him. There was so much insecurity in Alec's voice, it hurt him.

Alec looked at him shyly, apologetic. "I'm sorry about yesterday," he continued, "I didn't , I mean. I don't want to "

All Magnus's anger melted as snow in the sun, seeing Alec stammer like that. What did he expect from the boy, really? He was the one who had told Alec that he wasn't going to make him do anything. He shouldn't push him like that. So, Alec hadn't wanted his touch, that was no reason to be so childish about it, so petty. He shook his head and put a hand on Alec's wrist.

"Don't, Alexander," he said, "You have nothing to apologize for. I was the one being sulky last night. I should apologize."

Alec smiled at him, his face lighting up. "That's okay," he said softly.

They drank their coffee in silence until Alec spoke up again. "I was wondering," he said, excitement suddenly glittering in his features, "If you would want to show me and Jace how you track. Jace told me you'd tried tracking Valentine. We'd like to learn."

"Sure, I can do that," Magnus said, "There are tracking runes available for Shadowhunters, did you know that? I'll show you guys later in the Gramarye."

"That would be awesome," Alec said, proving to Magnus ones more that he was just a seventeen year old boy.

"But I first need to shower," Magnus said, hopping out of bed. "Go watch some television or something." He shooed Alec out of the room and snapped his fingers to turn on the television for the boys.

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