Chapter 41: Twenty fourth meet

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Alec had just finished showering and was putting on a clean sweater when he heard a knock on his bedroom door. "Come in," he said.

The door opened and Aline Penhallow entered. He looked at her in surprise, not expecting her in their house after the fit his mother had thrown the night Max died.

"Hi," Aline said, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to disturb you. But I wondered if I could talk to you."

"Of course," Alec said, sitting down on his bed and indicating for her to take the chair. She sat down and smiled at him nervously. "I'm sure you wonder why I'm here," she began. "My parents are downstairs talking with yours. And I thought I'd come with them because I wanted to thank you."

"To thank me?" Alec was astounded and searched his memory for something he could have done for Aline that made her want to thank him.

"Yes. You don't know it, but I saw you kissing the warlock. You have no idea how much that meant."

She looked at him, expectantly, but Alec was even more confused. How could him kissing Magnus be important for Aline?

"I'm gay," she finally said, when he stayed silent. "I only just figured it out and I felt so upset about it. Being gay and a Shadowhunter. Well, you know how it is. I tried to suppress it, tried dating guys. I even kissed Jace. Guess that's why Clary seemed to hate me."

She laughed a nervous laughter. "But then, you kissed the warlock in the Hall of Accords for everyone to see. I thought that was so brave of you. And it made me realize I could come out, too. Not suppress it but embrace it. Like you. That's why I wanted to thank you."

Alec nodded, he understood everything she'd said. Down to dating guys. He had never dated a girl, but he knew, if Magnus hadn't come along, he might have eventually gone down that path. "So you've come out to your parents?" He asked.

She nodded. "They don't understand it. But it feels good that I've told them the truth."

"I can imagine, I−" Just then Alec got interrupted by Isabelle, yelling from downstairs. "Alec, Aline! Come on, we're leaving!"

"Let's go," Aline said, standing up and Alec followed her downstairs.

Outside a group, all dressed for the party, was waiting for them. Clary was there with Simon, and Aline's parents, too. They all walked to the square together, where Alec knew Magnus would be.

Yesterday, after Jace had woken up he hadn't seen Magnus all day. His parents came with Izzy and they stayed with Jace for an hour until brother Zachariah sent them away, telling them he needed rest. Alec went home with his parents after receiving a fire message from Magnus, which said he was busy throwing the best party ever. In the evening he went to Angel lane and found Magnus there. He stayed the night again and promised him the next morning that he was going to formally introduce him to his parents at the party tonight. "That is, if you want to be my date?" he asked.

Magnus smiled a brilliant smile and pulled him in for a kiss. "You're adorable," he'd said. "Naturally I'll be your date. But remember, it's a party. So dress appropriately."

Alec didn't care about clothes, but he had pulled on the best sweater he'd brought with him to Idris. Magnus had to go to a meeting today, where four seats of the Clave were appointed to Downworlders. One for the vampires, one for the faeries, one for the werewolves and one for warlocks. Magnus was the representative for warlocks, which meant he was an official Clave member from now on. It was odd, Alec thought, that Magnus was part of his world now. The breach between Shadowhunters and Downworlders all but overcome because of this war and Clary's Alliance Rune. And they were heading to a party where all of them would be united.

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