Chapter 44: Malec in Rotterdam

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"Dutch is not so much a language as an ailment of the throat."

- John Green, The Fault in Our Stars


After a breakfast of croissants with hot chocolate in the hotel, Magnus portalled them to Rotterdam. They arrived at the pier next to Hotel New York, where they deglamoured behind the building and walked over the pier to the entrance.

"Hotel New York," Magnus said, "Seems suited for us."

"It sounds perfect," Alec answered, while he was looking over the water. "Why would it be called that, you think?"

"I have no idea," Magnus said, "But this is where the Holland-America line departed for New York. So maybe that's it."

"Sounds logical," Alec nodded. "So, we're going to book a room and then explore the city?"

They entered the hotel and went to the counter where a gorgeous blonde girl smiled a dazzling smile at them. She was dressed officially, in a black skirt and a white blouse, on it a name tag read Simone. "Good morning, how may I help you?" she said in perfect English.

Magnus tilted his head, as he squarely stared into the big blue eyes of the girl and winked at her. "Aren't you gorgeous," he said. He had always appreciated beauty and found it was better said than unsaid. Simone's smile widened and Magnus felt Alec stare at him in astonishment.

"What?" he turned to his boyfriend, "She is."

Alec made a face but didn't reply. Instead he regarded Simone. "Do you have a room for two?"

"I'm going to check that for you," she said and turned to her computer. She started to type rapidly. "Would you like a normal room or a suite? We also have the tower room available, but that one doesn't have a king sized bed."

"And I want a king sized bed," Magnus said, "A suite would be perfect. The biggest one you have."

"That would be the Maassuite," Simone said, "You'll have a fire place there and a coffee machine."

"Perfect!" Magnus beamed at her, "My boyfriend needs a coffee machine."

Simone smiled at Alec, showing her perfect white teeth. "I get that! If you're into coffee, you should go to the Fenix Food Factory," she pointed out of the window. "Cross that bridge and it's right at the other side of it. They have the best coffee there."

"How come you speak such a perfect English?" Alec asked, "Are you American?"

"No, I'm Dutch," Simone laughed, "We tend to be good at English here. We're a small country. If we want people to hear us, we have to speak their language."

"It's impressive," Alec smiled, and Magnus thought the girl's beauty faded in his light. He wondered how it was possible that this beautiful Shadowhunter was his boyfriend.

Simone finished their paperwork and handed them a key. They ascended the stairs to the suite.

It was a huge room, filled with typical Dutch Delft blue china lamps and tiles on the walls. There was an enormous fireplace with a blue tufted ottoman in front of it and two stuffed couches. The windows looked out over the river and a massive bed took up half the room. Magnus looked around and caught Alec frowning at him. "Were you flirting with that girl?" He asked.

"I thought that was pretty obvious," Magnus replied, "She's beautiful."

Alec looked baffled, but then realization dawned on his face. "You liked her?"

Magnus shrugged, "Why not, I'm not particular."

He saw Alec staring at him, looking somewhat horrified. "Does it bother you?" Magnus asked.

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