Chapter 18: Phonecall meet - not a real meet

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Magnus heard the door fall shut with a bang, which gave him a little bit of satisfaction. He was furious. Furious at that horrible Inquisitor. At Robert and Maryse Lightwood for being horrible parents. At Jace for lying to him and making him look bad. At every single person in that room, really. Except...

Shadowhunters. Boy, did they suck.

He dipped out his phone from his pocket and called Catarina, hoping she might be in for having lunch. She was, and they met at Taki's, a Downworld restaurant in Manhattan. Catarina was wearing her shrubs, indicating she came straight from work. She'd been working in hospitals for a long time now, had found her calling there. She was a warlock, like Magnus was, and one of the few constant factors in his life.

They sat down in a booth and Catarina asked him what was going on with Valentine and the murders that had taken place. He told her what he had found out about it. How Valentine was killing young Downworlders to perform a ritual of conversion.

"He wants a war," Magnus said, "With Shadowhunters."

"Well, what else is new?" Catarina said, "He wanted the same thing in the eighties during the Uprising. Do you think we should lay low and wait it out? Leave it to the Shadowhunters to resolve their own problems."

Magnus sighed deep and thought of Alec. The idea of Alec in a fight against Valentine and his demons didn't sit well with him. As long as that awful Inquisitor was still in charge, he didn't trust the Shadowhunters to deal sufficiently with the problem. "They're not capable," he mumbled, "And who knows what will happen if Valentine wins?"

Catarina observed him carefully. "What's wrong, Magnus?" She asked, "Is it that Shadowhunter you dated? Are you worried about him?"

"I am," Magnus confessed. He looked up at her. "Do you remember the Uprising? I met Maryse Lightwood then. They were attacking a bunch of werewolves. She was carrying him at that point. I told her he'd be a repellant brat." Magnus laughed without mirth.

"So you turned out to be wrong," Catarina said, smiling lightly, "It's not the first time."

"He's not what I expected," Magnus said, it felt like an understatement.

"But he's a Shadowhunter and you're a warlock. I get it." Catarina said. "They're a conservative group of people. And you're crossing the line twice by being both gay and a Downworlder."

"I'm not gay," Magnus said. "I'm bisexual, you know that."

Catarina raised her eyebrows. "And that makes a difference, how? He is a boy, as far as I know. So it's the gay side of your bisexual orientation that is at work here."

"Hmm, what a thing to say." Magnus muttered, unhappily. "It doesn't matter anyway. Like I told you before, he's into blondes. I'm wasting my time with him."

Their food came and they ate in silence for a while. "I just wished," Magnus said, "That he wasn't a Shadowhunter."

"You can't change the people you love," Catarina replied.

"I know. And I don't even mean it. I like that he's a warrior. Strong and powerful." Magnus mused, "But those Shadowhunters worry me. Now with Valentine rampaging in our city."

"So help them," Catarina suggested, "If they need it or ask you for it."

"Yeah," Magnus said, "I think I will."

On his way home he thought about the look on Alec's face after he had paralyzed him in front of his parents. The effect of the rune gone, he saw sheer panic there. It had made him so mad. Who were these people, that they wouldn't let their son be who he was? That he didn't feel the safety to come out and start living his own life? To be so afraid for his feelings. Magnus hurt for Alec's sake. He wanted to go to him and wrap his arms around him. Tell him that it was okay, that he was okay. Being gay was who he was, and he was amazing. Wonderful. Worth loving. Worth everything and anything. He should come out of hiding, walk in the sunlight. Let the world see how incredible he was.

He climbed up the stairs to his loft and sunk down on the sofa, watching the sky turn gray. His phone rang just as he wanted to get up and get himself some coffee. It was Alec. He answered the phone quickly.

"Magnus," Alec's voice sounded shy and apologetic, almost afraid. "I'm sorry to bother you. I know you said you didn't want anything to do with me anymore. But "

"I didn't mean you," Magnus said, wanting to reassure him more than anything. "I meant all those awful other people in that house this morning."

"Oh?" Magnus could hear how surprised Alec was in the sound of that single syllable. It was silent at the other end of the line for awhile. Magnus decided to break it. "Is something going on? Are you calling to ask me for help?"

"Well," Alec hesitated, "It does involve some of those awful other people."

"Of course it does," Magnus grumbled, "Spill it, Alec, what do you need?"

"Clary called to say Valentine has kidnapped Simon. You know? Her vampire friend. And Maia, the werewolf girl." Alec said. "Jace wants to go to Valentine's boat in the East River to rescue them but he needs your help. A way to get there and to break down the wards that surround the boat."

"I thought you'd sworn Jace off. You know, the law is the law and all." Magnus inquired.

Alec huffed, impatiently. "I didn't mean any of that. I just said it to get the Inquisitor to trust me. And it worked. I was able to help Jace get free and he's now escaped to go to the boat. Will you help him?"

Magnus smiled, "You never cease to amaze me, Alexander. I'll help you. Where is he, is he alone?"

"He's with Luke and Clary. He said you could pick the address for where to enter the river."

"They have Luke's truck I assume?" Magnus asked.

"Yes, I saw them drive away in it." Alec said.

"Very well. Tell them to meet me at Red Hook, the Clinton Wharf." He snapped the phone shut and walked to his bedroom to change. He put on a black suit, a frock black coat over it. Black, like Shadowhunters. The war was about to commence.

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