Chapter 85: More Than Awkward

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Born to Endless Night

Every night and every morn

Some to misery are born

Every morn and every night

Some are born to sweet delight

Some are born to endless night

- "Auguries of Innocence," William Blake

More Than Awkward


Magnus prepared to leave extremely early in the morning. Alec was barely awake when he felt his boyfriend's lips on his, and then he heard his voice, a soft whisper. "I'm going, Alexander. Leave you to have breakfast with your father."

"What?" Alec replied, blinking. It was still dark. Early February in Idris meant the sun didn't rise before eight in the morning. "What are you saying?"

"I'm going to the Academy. You can catch up later, okay?" Magnus said, while brushing his hair from his forehead.

Alec opened his eyes more fully to look at his boyfriend. "Why won't you have breakfast with us?"

"Because, my darling, I think it's good for you to have some alone time with your father."

"What alone time? Isabelle is here, too."

"Yeah, some alone time for you and your sister with your father. You never see him."

"Let me translate that," Alec said as he propped himself up on his elbows. "You mean you don't want to have breakfast with my father."

Magnus rolled his eyes at him. "I'm not saying that."

"But it's what you mean."

"No," he shook his head as he went to sit down on the bed. "I really think you should-"

"Spend time with him, yeah, I get that. It's okay, Magnus, I get it," he looked Magnus in the eyes and gave him a smile. "It's okay. I will see you at the Academy."

"Great!" Magnus smiled back. "I'm sorry that I took you out of New York to this godforsaken country. I'll make it up to you."

Alec's smile widened. "Godforsaken country? Idris is awesome! But sure, make it up to me, I don't mind." He raised his eyebrows at his boyfriend who leaned in and gave him a kiss.

"I'll see you there in a few hours. I will go first and make sure everything is perfect upon your arrival."

"Like I'm the queen or something?" Alec asked.

Magnus laughed. "You are the queen, nothing is good enough for you. I want you to have the best. And Shadowhunter Academy is a dump, so I'm facing a hard task."

"Don't tell my father I'm the queen," Alec said. "He'll never forgive you."

"I'm sure he already won't forgive me for snatching his son away," Magnus made it sound like a joke but Alec knew there was truth in his words. And despite it being like this for more than two years now, it still hurt. Somewhere deep down he wanted his father to accept his boyfriend. But then again, you can't have everything you want.

And Alec was happy despite it. Happy living in Brooklyn with Magnus. Happy about their life. How he had meetings with Lily and Maia every Thursday. How he had won the trust of both the vampire clan and the werewolf pack in New York. How he could still work as a Shadowhunter, hunting demons with his parabatai. He had love and friendship and a job. What more could he possibly want. So his father disapproved of his life choices. Everyone has their cross to bear in the end.

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