Chapter 9: After fourth meet - Alec

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Alec boarded the F train back to the Upper East Side of Manhattan. He felt giddy, elated, thinking back on the extremely weird evening he just spent with Magnus Bane. At first he'd been so nervous, and he was so sure Magnus was going to ditch him. But instead they had been working together, his skills and Magnus's magic, to calm down a rogue werewolf girl. After that successful effort, Magnus had invited him back to his place for a nightcap. And Alec had kissed him. He felt invigorated and strong, initiating the kiss. It had gone way further than he expected, with them lying entwined on the floor of Magnus's loft. Alec felt his cheeks burn, thinking about it. Magnus's lips on his, Magnus's hands under his t-shirt, roaming over his bare shoulder blades, his back, his arms, his chest. He, himself, marveling over the beautiful sleek smooth skin of Magnus's chest and stomach. Kissing his throat, even reaching for his belt buckle. He could here Magnus's hot breath in his ear, "Oh God." It was what he needed to break apart. It was going too far, too fast. And yet, now, on his way back home, he felt like it hadn't gone too far at all. And a part of him wanted to get out on the next stop and turn back.

He knew that wasn't a good idea so instead he slid into a seat and sank back. The girl sitting across from him blinked heavily at him. That's when he realized she could see him, he had forgotten to put on a glamour, since earlier this evening Magnus wouldn't let him. The girl kept blinking at him and he raised his eyebrows, not sure what was going on. "What is it?" he finally asked. She looked deliberately down at his chest, "Blink if you want me," she said. "What?" he stammered, dumbfounded and then stared down at his own body. BLINK IF YOU WANT ME it read in sequins on his shirt. He still wore Magnus's shirt and now that he remembered, he had left his own blue shirt at the loft.

"So," the girl said, looking at him expectantly, "I'm blinking."

"Uhm, I'm gay," he confessed.

Her eyebrows shot up, "Really? Or are you just saying that to get rid of me?"

"Of course not," Alec said, appalled. But the girl shook her head, disbelieving. "I'm not," Alec said again, "This is my boyfriends shirt, really." He didn't know why he called Magnus his boyfriend, but he wanted to reassure the girl he wasn't lying. This was the first time he ever said aloud to someone that he was gay. Isabelle had guessed, Clary had guessed, Magnus had known, obviously. But he never admitted it so bluntly before. Of course, this girl was a stranger and it shouldn't matter how she'd react, but he still felt an urgency to it. He needed her to believe him.

She clearly didn't, though. "I'm pretty sure you're making it up," she said, sulking. He wondered if it was an act she was playing at. He shrugged, a little embarrassed but also slightly irritated. "Look, I'll call him and prove it to you." He took his phone out of his jeans pocket and called Magnus.

"Alexander!" Magnus picked up after the first ring, "You miss me! I feel so flattered. You changed your mind? You're coming back?"

"Uhm, hi," Alec stammered, "I'm still wearing your shirt."

He heard Magnus laugh at the other end of the line. "Great! Now you have an excuse to come bring it back someday soon!"

"Yeah, but there's a girl sitting here, I'm on the F train," Alec added hastily. He didn't want Magnus to think he was somewhere off with a girl. "And she doesn't believe I'm gay. She's blinking at me." Magnus laughed even harder now and Alec couldn't help but grin himself. Magnus's laughter was really infatuating.

"Give her the phone," Magnus instructed and Alec handed the girl the phone. He could here Magnus on the other end of the line shouting in his High Warlock of Brooklyn voice, "That's my boyfriend you're harassing. Quit it!"

The girl turned beet red and stammered something in the phone. Alec heard Magnus's voice murmur something back in a much quieter tone. The girl nodded a few times, listening, and then handed the phone back to Alec. "He wants to talk to you," she said.

Alec took the phone and lifted it to his ear, "Hi, I'm back."

"Alexander, I told her to back off," Magnus sounded amused, "But do please come back with that shirt, I really like it. Sunday would be good, you could come in the morning for coffee, if that suits you?"

"Yeah," Alec answered, his heart jumping at the thought of seeing Magnus again in two days, "I can come for coffee."

"Great," Magnus replied cheerfully, "I'll see you then. Sweet dreams, Alec."

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