Chapter 87: A Lightwood Invasion

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A baby. A navy blue baby had suddenly come into Alec's life. From the moment Magnus had put the child in his arms he felt it. A click. This child belonged to him. Unexpected, yes, but not unwelcome. Not unwelcome at all.

Alec had been thinking about it the last few months. He wanted to get married. He wanted to start a family. And adoption was as good an option as anything.

He'd never found the courage to talk to Magnus about it. Something inside of him was scared of Magnus's answer. Magnus seemed happy with their life, and in no hurry to change anything about it. Alec had read the notebook Magnus had given to him on the day they got back together. And Magnus had written a few more. Alec had read them all. And in the stories there was one thing that stood out. Magnus had never been married. In all the stories, in all the love he'd experienced, no one proposed to him and he never proposed to anyone.

It made Alec wonder if that meant Magnus didn't like the institution of marriage. And what about a family? In the notebooks there was a lack of children, too. Clary was the single one regularly mentioned. And Magnus had only seen her once every two years until her sixteenth birthday.

So Alec had been unsure about what Magnus would want with his life, now that he was in a relationship with him. He had thought about proposing to him, but he never went through with it. Now he wished he'd had the courage to at least bring up the subject.

Because now, there was this child, lying in his arms. "We have this, don't we, Alec?" Magnus had said to him downstairs. And Alec had looked into the beautiful blue eyes of the baby boy and knew.

We've got this. We've got this child now. And we're going to love it and raise it.

Alec wanted it. He'd always wanted it. He remembered his baby brother. He was nine when Max was born and he'd loved him so much. Thinking back he felt tears prick in his eyes. Max was gone, now. Forever gone. He would've been almost twelve if he were still alive today. Twelve. On that age Shadowhunters get their first Marks. Max would never have that.

Now he had a new baby. A new Max. He'd never expected it, never knew if it was ever going to be a possibility for him to have a child. And maybe it was a bit soon, because he was only twenty, but then again, Shadowhunters usually married young and had children very early, too. Twenty was quite average in his world.

He heard the child whimper and sat up, wiping with his fists in his eyes. It sure was tiring, the child had been crying for hours on end during the day. Alec had fallen asleep, half sitting, half hanging against the crib. He vaguely remembered Magnus kissing his forehead and telling him he was going for a walk.

Alec stood up and looked around the apartment. Apparently Magnus was still out. He didn't know how long he'd slept. He bent over the crib. The baby was flailing around and whimpering. Alec took him in his arms. "What is it? Can't you sleep?"

He'd managed to feed him and change his diapers. But he still felt he lacked proper skills. And Magnus, well, he was good for summoning stuff, but he didn't seem all that relaxed with the child. Alec hoped that would change over time.

While bouncing the baby up and down he received a fire message from Isabelle.

Hi Alec,

So cool! Simon told me about the warlock baby! We're on our way. I'm bringing everyone!

XOXO, Izzy

Anxiously he wondered who everyone was, when there was a pounding on the door. Magnus had placed a lock on it, so no one could just barge in there when the baby was sleeping.

Alec opened the door and was surprised to see his entire family enter. Both his parents, together, which was a rarity. Isabelle, Jace and Clary.

"Hi!" Alec said, stunned. His family whirled around him.

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