Chapter 82: Epilogue

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It was Luke and Jocelyn's wedding today and Magnus had been spending part of it with Simon. Clary and Isabelle had convinced him to help Simon get his memory back. There was the possibility of Ascension, a ritual that could turn ordinary mundanes into Shadowhunters. After the Dark War the Shadowhunters had declined in numbers and they needed new recruits. So why not Simon?

It wasn't that difficult. Simon had to be willing, which he was, and all Magnus had to do was cast a spell to give Simon the Sight. And so he did. It didn't give Simon back his memories, but it was the first step to Ascension and after he'd drank from the mortal cup, he'd remember. It was still going to be a long way, with years of training at the Shadowhunter Academy, but in the end he'll get there.

Magnus took him to Luke's barn for the wedding. The barn where they once summoned the Angel that gave them the sword with Heavenly Fire. It was a warm evening in May as Magnus and Simon came up the path. Magnus pointed to the party tent and indicated for Simon to follow the path.

He stood still then and watched as Simon entered the crowd. As soon as people started recognizing him they all came whirling around him, pulling him into tight embraces. Werewolves, mundanes and Shadowhunters. Mortals. All of them so full of love and life. So vibrant. Like lights shining too bright because they would be quenched soon.

Magnus sighed deeply, he knew he could be terribly melancholic, especially at parties like these. They reminded him of the mortality of everyone around him, while he stayed the same, forever.

He noticed Alec, as he always did, talking with his father, but then he broke apart from the party and started walking up the hill toward him. He smiled his beautiful smile that made his whole face light up as he reached him and went to stand beside him. They looked down at the people still swarming around Simon. Isabelle stood a little apart from the group, and Magnus could read the pain in her face.

Magnus had given Simon the Sight, but that didn't mean he had his memories back and he didn't remember Isabelle or the fact that they'd been dating before Magnus's father had taken Simon's recollections from him.

"You'd almost think she didn't care," said Alec. "But I'm pretty sure she does."

Magnus looked at him and reached out to straighten his tie. Alec had made good on his promise, and they'd bought a suit for him for this wedding. Magnus was extremely proud of his boyfriend, looking striking in the suit, which had a slender stripe of blue that brought out Alec's eyes.

"You're correct," Magnus said. "She cares too much; that's why she's standing apart."

"I would ask you what you did, but I'm not sure I want to know," Alec said, as he turned and leaned his back against Magnus. "It was good of you."

Magnus wrapped his arms around him and put his chin down on Alec's shoulder.

"You make the choice you have to make at the time," he said in Alec's ear. "You hope for no consequences, or no serious ones."

"You don't think your father will be angry, do you?" Alec asked, and Magnus couldn't help but laugh at that.

"He has a great deal more to pay attention to than me," Magnus said. "What about you? I saw you talking to Robert."

"Yeah," Alec said. "He was telling me that his parabatai, Michael Wayland, was in love with him. And that he'd turned him down and their bond had been destroyed because of it. He said he was ashamed of himself. 'I look at you, and I see the mirror of my own unkindness to someone who never deserved it.' That's what he said. And that I am a much better man than he ever was."

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