Chapter 76: Incandescent Light - Alec

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Alec could see the path in front of him very clearly: He could hand back the book, walk away from Magnus, find someone else, some Shadowhunter to love, be with him, share the kinship of predictable days and nights, the daily poetry of an ordinary life.

Or he could take the step out into nothingness and choose Magnus, the far stranger poetry of him, his brilliance and anger, his sulks and joys, the extraordinary abilities of his magic and the no less breathtaking magic of the extraordinary way he loved.

It was hardly a choice at all. Alec took a deep breath, and jumped.

"All right," he said.

Magnus whipped toward him in the dark, all coiled energy now, all cheekbones and shimmering eyes. "Really?"

"Really," Alec said. He reached out a hand, and interlinked his fingers with Magnus's. There was a glow being woken in Alec's chest, where all had been dark. Magnus cupped his long fingers under Alec's jawline and kissed him, his touch light against Alec's skin: a slow and gentle kiss, a kiss that promised more later, when they were no longer on a roof and could be seen by anyone walking by.

"So I'm your first ever Shadowhunter, huh?" Alec said when they separated at last.

"You're my first so many things, Alec Lightwood," Magnus said.

- City of Heavenly fire, page 666-667

Alec smiled at Magnus then, feeling lightheaded and happy, happier than he'd felt in a long time, happier than he had ever felt in his entire life. "I love you," he said, simple, squeezing Magnus's hand.

"I love you, too," Magnus whispered, touching Alec's cheek. "I don't think I ever loved anyone the way I love you."

"Never?" Alec asked, incredulous.

Magnus shook his head, "Not like this, not so intense and so much."

He let go of Alec's hand and took a familiar looking black box out of his pocket and opened it. He took out the Tiger Eye stone ring Alec bought for him and slid it on his ring finger. It was then that Alec noticed Magnus's fingers were devoid of rings, which made the ring stand out even more.

"I can wear this now." Magnus said.

"You received it!" Alec exclaimed as he reached out and rubbed his thumb over the stone, "I wondered about that. It looks perfect on you."

Magnus smiled and shook his head, tracing the flame pattern on the silver band. "The Lightwood symbol," he muttered, "What were you thinking?"

"I was thinking it was beautiful and fitting for you. Tiger Eye Stone stands for right use of power." Alec explained.

"It does," Magnus said, "And you have excellent taste. But you do understand this ring means we're practically married now."

Alec laughed, wrapped his arm around Magnus and pulled him close. "I do," he said softly, suddenly overcome with a strong longing to touch Magnus and kiss him and love him for everything he just said. For changing his ways, for giving him his life and his story and everything that entailed. The promise of a future together. For not leaving him alone.

He scrambled to his feet and pulled Magnus with him, up the roof, and through the window, into his bedroom. He jumped lightly down from the windowsill, Magnus following him gracefully. With two long strides Alec was at the bedroom door, he took out his stele and drew a quick locking rune on the door and then turned around towards Magnus.

The warlock was standing next to the window staring at him, a look of awe and wonder and a strong yearning in his eyes. The look was flaring up a blaze in Alec's stomach. Just as Alec started towards him Magnus moved and they almost crashed into each other. Alec grabbed Magnus's collar, and Magnus brought his lips down on Alec's, hard. Alec pulled at Magnus's shirt and ripped it open, buttons flying through the room. He wanted the garment gone, feel the bare, soft skin of Magnus against his.

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