Chapter 84: Christmas at the Lightwoods

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2009 was coming to its end. It was a cold December this year, and Alec shivered a bit in the snow, while walking with Magnus from the subway to the New York Institute on Christmas Eve. "Why is it so cold," he moped.

Magnus laughed and put an arm around him. "I'll warm you up, and we'll be inside in no time, honey."

"You don't mind the cold?" Alec asked, regarding his boyfriend, who looked like he didn't even notice the fact that it was freezing and little drops of ice were falling from the sky. Ugh, Alec hated winter.

"Don't mind it as long as you're with me," Magnus smiled his beautiful smile, which warmed Alec's heart, even though his lips were still frozen. He smiled back as he got his key out of his pocket and opened the door of the Institute.

In the rickety elevator Magnus wrapped his arms around Alec and pulled him close, pressing a kiss against his lips. Alec breathed in his scent of sandalwood and lapsang souchong tea and sighed. "Can you believe this is our third Christmas together and we're spending it here?" Alec said.

"Why is that a problem?" Magnus asked. "Don't you love your family?"

"Of course I do, but I just prefer being with you, just the two of us. We could've gone tomorrow or on Boxing Day."

"Come on, don't be mopey," Magnus smiled. "And you're supposed to do gifts on Christmas Eve, not on Boxing Day. That's just plain ridiculous."

"Mopey, is that even a word?"

"Of course it is. And if it wasn't, it is now. Don't you know I invent new words? Send them off to the Institute for New Words and in 2010 it will be in the official dictionary."

"Institute for New Words, really?" Alec couldn't help but laugh at that.

Magnus brushed with his hand over Alec's cheek. "Made you laugh!"

In the hall they found Isabelle, who looked like she was waiting for them and was particularly annoyed as if they were hours late or something. "Finally, there you are!" she exclaimed, as she hugged Alec quickly. She walked over to Magnus and took his arm. "I heard you are going to the Shadowhunter Academy this Spring?"

"Well, I haven't decided yet," Magnus looked sour. "I don't like it all that much, the Academy. And I've requested for Alec to come with me, but I haven't heard back from them about that."

"Of course Alec can come," Isabelle said, as if she were in the hiring committee. "He could even teach those students some archery."

"Hmm," Alec grumbled, "Not sure I want that."

Magnus had been asked to teach a class in the Shadowhunter Academy in Idris. He didn't really wanted it, Alec knew, but he felt a responsibility. Both to his former friend and warlock, Ragnor Fell, who had taught at the Academy for years, and to Simon Lewis. Simon, whom Magnus had given the Sight, and now he was there, learning how to become a Shadowhunter. His Ascension was due this summer.

So Magnus had said he'd think about it, with the condition that Alec could come. "There's no way I'm going to leave you here in New York for weeks on end," he'd said.

"I don't know if I want to go, though," Alec had replied. "It sounds rather boring and Catarina said the food is awful."

Magnus had laughed. "Not if I'm there."

So now they were waiting for a reply from the Academy, if Alec could come, Magnus would go. And of course Alec would join him. Despite it being boring, he would never let his boyfriend take off for Idris without coming with him. It would also give him an excuse to visit his father again.

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