Chapter 14: Eighth meet

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City of Ashes - Chapter 7 - The Mortal Sword


Magnus was lying on his sofa, sipping a martini and thinking about Alec. Thinking about the feel of him in his arms and on his lips just a couple of hours ago. It had taken him every ounce of self control to stop when Alec stopped. But it was the right thing to do. Alec was so young and inexperienced, Magnus really didn't want to pressure him. And he knew that people could do things in the heat of the moment which they might regret later. He was already afraid they had gone too far. Confused that it bothered him so much, he sat up and reached for his phone. It was weird, how he wanted Alec to reassure him that all was good. And that Alec had liked it just as much as he had. His fingers ran over his phone typing a message.

Alexander. Did you get home okay? I had a great time. I hope you did too.

He shook his head and erased it. Way too clingy. Try again.

Alexander. Next time I'll beat you three out of three with pool, unless of course you're afraid to lose from a warlock.

Was this one too breezy? Magnus sighed in frustration but hit the send button anyway. He waited then and told himself he was being crazy. Since when did the High Warlock of Brooklyn sit on his sofa to stare at his phone, waiting for some Shadowhunter to text him back. "You're besotted," he mumbled to himself.

His phone buzzed and he quickly opened it to read the text.

Ha, I'd like to see you try. Thanks for tonight, Magnus, I had a great time.

Magnus couldn't help but feel immensely relieved. He stood up, refilled his glass and looked out of the window. Chairman Meow came towards him and nuzzled his head against Magnus's leg.

"It's going to be okay," he told the Chairman. "Alec and I are going to be great together." And he really believed it, too.

It was an hour later when his phone buzzed again. This time Alec's message had a different tone to it.

Magnus, I had a distress call from the City of Bones. Jace has been taken there and held prison by the Inquisitor. Izzy and I are on our way to see what's going on. Can you come? On standby, that is. I would never ask you to enter the City of Bones. But we don't know what's wrong and we might need you. If it isn't too inconvenient for you? I'd really appreciate it. Alec.

Magnus read the message twice and frowned. Why would the City of Bones call on the Shadowhunters of the Institute? The Silent Brothers could fend for themselves, usually. He texted Alec that he was on his way and Alec could find him at the bar next to the cemetery or text him when he was really needed. Alec was right that he wouldn't want to go into the City of Bones. If it would be really necessary, he would come. But Alec only asked him to standby, so that was what he was going to do.

Magnus changed into black leather pants, and wore it with a belt with a buckle in the shape of a jeweled M. It had been a gift from Ragnor. He chose a cobalt-blue Prussian military jacket that would match with Alec's eyes and left it hanging open over a white lace shirt. He was considering there might be other Shadowhunters at the City of Bones, so he really wanted to make an entrance. He put an elaborate amount of glitter on his face, and regarded his reflection in the mirror mutinously before he finally left his loft. He had a reputation to maintain, after all.

An hour later Magnus was sitting at the bar, drinking a glass of wine. He was still wondering what could possibly be going on, when he received a text from Alec.

Can you come to the cemetery? There's something wrong with Jace. The Inquisitor is here, and my mom, and a bunch of other shadowhunters. So I understand if you don't want to come.

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