Chapter 38: Twenty second meet - Magnus

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As soon as Magnus and Jocelyn arrived in Idris, just outside Alicante, Magnus shooed Jocelyn off to the house Clary was staying in and hurried to Angel Lane. He didn't know for sure if Alec would be there or if he'd be in the Lightwoods residence. They had just had his little brother's funeral yesterday, they'd probably want to be together and support each other. Magnus wasn't sure though, so he decided to first check out the mansion at Angel Lane.

He entered the house, checked the living room, which turned out empty and hurried up the stairs. In the master bedroom he saw instantly the bump under the yellow comforter, and black hair splayed out on the pillow.

"Alec?" he asked, as he approached the bed. The comforter moved as Alec shifted upright, his hair rumpled, a sleepy look in his eyes.

"You're back!" He sat up entirely, the comforter slid to his waist as he reached his hands out to Magnus as if he were a small child. Magnus strode to the bed in two large steps and engulfed his boyfriend in a warm and tight embrace. He felt Alec's head rest against his shoulder and his breath tickle the bare skin of his throat. Alec held him tight for a long time, and Magnus could tell by the tension in his shoulders that he was in pain. He smoothed over Alec's hair and whispered in his ear, "It's okay, baby, I'm here."

When Alec finally lifted his head he pressed his lips against Magnus' jaw, trailing slowly towards his mouth. Their lips met and they kissed, soft and tender. Alec nibbled at Magnus' lower lip and he parted them to carefully slid his tongue inside. Magnus replied by swirling his tongue around Alec's. With the kiss the tension left Alec's shoulder and Magnus felt him relax against him. He rubbed his back, drawing circles with his strong hands, wanting to comfort him.

Finally, they broke of the kiss and Magnus stared in his boyfriends beautiful blue eyes. "Are you okay?" he whispered. Alec slowly shook his head, "Not really."

"How was it, yesterday?"

"Awful. My mother..." his voice trailed off. Magnus took his hand and squeezed it. Then he put the comforter aside and slid into the bed next to Alec. "Yes?" he asked, coaxing Alec to go on.

"She was so broken, I've never seen her so broken," Alec stammered, "My father seems in some sort of shock, I haven't heard him speak a word. Isabelle is still locked inside her room. I don't know, it's a mess. I felt alone in that strange house. After a sleepless night I found myself wandering here. And the door opened for me, so I thought I'd stay here and wait for you."

"Well, I'm here now," Magnus said, wrapping his arm around Alec and smoothing Alec against his shoulder.

"Please hold me and stay," Alec whispered.

"Always," Magnus replied and pressed his lips on top of Alec's hair. "Always," he repeated.

They laid like that for a while. Then Alec said, "You know, as much as I'd like to lay in this bed and pretend there's nothing going on, I think we should go the Hall of Accords. Have you heard about the ultimatum?"

Magnus nodded. While in New York he had called upon as many of his friends to come to Idris and join the fight against Valentine. Luke's pack was already in Idris, but more Downworlders had followed their example, warlocks and faeries. Even Raphael was on his way with his clan. The Downworlders were willing to fight with the Shadowhunters, knowing their fate if Valentine would win. "I wonder if the Clave will let the Downworlders join," he muttered.

"If they're smart, they'll let you fight with us. It's the only way to stand a chance." Alec said.

"I think you're right. Let's go, then," Magnus said.

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