Chapter 50: To age and die

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Alec was frustrated with how the Clave meeting went. Only a handful of people, including Magnus and Luke, had voted against de-prioritizing the search for Jace. It wasn't enough. Now they were expected to sit and wait, instead of go and search. Not that the search had given them anything. Not even a single lead. It was quite hopeless. But to sit and wait was worse.

After the meeting Alec went to Isabelle's room where she and Clary were anxiously waiting for news. When Clary told him about the idea of visiting the Seelie Queen he was skeptical about it. She'd asked Clary to come, but the queen wasn't to be trusted. Isabelle hugged him and whispered in his ear, "If she can do anything for us, we should at least try. We can't lose him, Alec, not after Max."

He tugged her hair affectionately and nodded, knowing she was right. What was there to lose with a visit to the Seelie Court, really? Who knew, the queen might be able to help them. "We should all go," he said. "But I have to tell Magnus, at least, what we're doing. It wouldn't be fair not to."

Together with Clary and Izzy he went downstairs where he found Magnus sitting in a peg, talking to Luke. As soon as the warlock saw him he stood up and went to him.

"How did Clary take it?" Magnus asked as he approached him, standing close enough for Alec to lean into him.

Alec reached his arm up and put a hand on Magnus's wrist. "She's not happy. She wants to go to the Seelie Queen."

"Why?" Magnus's eyebrows shot up in question.

"Apparently the queen has given Clary a bell to contact her with. If she ever needed anything."

"That doesn't sound good," Magnus shook his head, "The Seelie Queen never gives something to someone without a reason or without asking anything in return."

"I know," Alec nodded, "I'm suspicious about it, too. But Magnus, what choice do we have? We can at least try to see what it is she wants."

"We?" Magnus asked, "No, no. I'm sorry but I'm not coming with you. If you want to visit the court, you'll have to do it on your own. Although, I'd rather you wouldn't."

"Why won't you come?" Alec asked, curious what the reason could be.

"Oh," Magnus waved a hand in the air. "Nothing. No reason."

"No reason? Come on, tell me?" Alec felt a hinge of annoyance at Magnus waving away his question.

"Very well," Magnus sighed dramatically. "We have a past. A feud. I really don't want to get into it, okay?"

"Fine," Alec said, shortly, "But we're going."

He kissed Magnus on his lips and turned to look for Isabelle and Clary. Clary had called Simon and with the four of them they went to Central Park, where they were to ring the bell and see the queen.

"Where's Magnus?" asked Clary, once they were outside the Institute and Simon had joined them.

"He said it would be better if he didn't come. Apparently he and the Seelie Queen have some kind of history," Alec said.

Isabelle raised her eyebrows at him, implicating what that history would be.

"Not that kind of history," said Alec irritably. "Some kind of feud. Though, the way he got around before me, I wouldn't be surprised."

"Alec!" Isabelle said, she pulled his arm and let Clary and Simon walk passed them. "Don't be mean about your boyfriend."

Alec shrugged, he couldn't help it, it irritated him that Magnus was so closed about his past. He wasn't just unwilling to tell about all the people he dated, it seemed he didn't want to share anything with Alec and that was what bothered him.

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