Chapter 78: This Big Important Library Chair

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Alec smiled and wrapped his arms around Magnus. "Life is good," he said.

He pressed his lips against Magnus's and pulled him close. He nibbled at Magnus's lower lip and felt Magnus's tongue press against his lips so he opened his mouth to let him in. Magnus felt warm and soft, his tongue raking Alec's teeth. He tasted like sandalwood and coffee, something Alec associated with his loft in Brooklyn.

Alec wished he could come with Magnus to his loft. Live in Brooklyn instead of this cold Institute. He'd always regarded the Institute as home, but not anymore. Now Brooklyn was home for him and he was glad his mother would be back in a week so he could go.

For Alec Brooklyn stood for being true to yourself. For accepting who you are. In the Institute people would always look weirdly at him, always respect him a little less than anyone else. His father wasn't an anomaly in the Shadowhunter world. Alec knew he would always have to face this, people loathing him or casting wary looks. Or people saying it was such a shame that no one would inherit his blue eyes. Those comments made him cringe.

Yet he knew, when in Brooklyn, all of that disappeared or didn't really matter anymore. He was himself there and he was okay with who he was. Because Magnus was always there, reassuring him, telling him that he was worth it, and that made all the difference in the world to Alec. Knowing his warlock boyfriend loved him, no matter what.

Magnus slid his arms around him and pushed him against the desk as their kiss deepened. The marble of the table dug into Alec's back, so he pushed Magnus away and led him around the desk to the big chair behind it. Magnus shoved him in the chair and straddled him, raining kisses down his throat. His hands were under Alec's hoodie and he pulled it over his head.

"We're going to finish what we started in the shower this morning," Magnus whispered hoarsely in Alec's ear before turning his lips back to Alec's neck. Alec let his head rest against the back of the chair and closed his eyes as his boyfriend worked his mouth down over his chest. He felt Magnus's hot lips on his nipple and moaned as the feeling of it tingled through his body, sending shivers down his spine. He forgot that they were actually sitting in a chair that belonged to the head of the Institute. That this was an official place, not a place to make out in.

He forgot about that and about everything else as Magnus slid off his lap and opened his pants. He went down on his knees between Alec's legs and kissed his abdomen and trailed further down. The next thing Alec knew was the warmth and the wetness of Magnus's mouth on him. He gasped and opened his eyes to look down at his boyfriend. Alec sighed as he let the feeling of pleasure come over him. His entire body was singing with happiness.

It wasn't just the sex that made him feel like this. It was that boy. That boy between his legs, who loved him and whom he loved. And he felt so insanely lucky and happy that he was his. That they belonged together, however impossible that might seem, and how incredibly close they'd been to losing each other. He still could hardly believe that he had him back.

Magnus increased his rhythm and the pressure and all thoughts fled from Alec's brain. He was overwhelmed by the strong sucking motion, which was almost painful. With a loud moan he came and felt his release leave his body and enter Magnus. When Magnus finally let go, Alec reached out to him, grabbed his shoulders and pulled him up and in his arms. Magnus buried his head in Alec's neck and Alec felt his lips press against the soft skin there.

He nuzzled in Magnus's hair. "Aku cinta kamu," he whispered softly.

Magnus sat up in his lap and smiled at him brilliantly, "You speak Indonesian!"

"Well," Alec confessed, "I only know this one line. But you could teach me more, if you want to?"

Magnus was trailing with his fingers over Alec's bare torso, "I'd love that."

There was a knock on the door and the next moment Isabelle strode in. "What the hell," she yelled upon seeing them, but she smiled.

Magnus turned around in Alec's lap and Alec was grateful that the warlock was blocking his sister's view from him. It wasn't as if she'd never seen him bare-chested before, but his fly was still open. He hastily reached down, shifted his underwear and closed his pants.

"Anywaaaayyy," Isabelle said, "Dinner's in the kitchen, whenever you guys are ready."

She turned around and yelled on the way out, "Next time use a lock, or use a private room if you want to make out so badly!"

Magnus turned back and grinned at Alec. "But I actually liked the fact that we were doing this in this big important library chair."

Alec smiled and pushed his boyfriend off of him, "Of course you do," he said, "You're so depraved, aren't you?"

"And proud of it, too," Magnus confirmed.

Alec picked up his sweater and put it on. "Come on, let's eat."

"Alexander?" Magnus asked, while they left the library. "Can I stay here with you tonight?"

Alec smiled widely at his boyfriend, who looked at him expectantly. "Of course. Always."

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