Chapter 47: Not ready to lose you

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Alec looked up just as Magnus reached him, caught him, and pulled him close.

- City of Fallen Angels, p.423


It was futile, Magnus knew that, the hunt for Camille. As soon as he arrived at the Institute, Maryse was on him, asking him about her. Where she could have gone, how it was possible that she had escaped. He couldn't answer her questions and he was distressed that this pointless mission had taken him away from Alec. He was worried about him. He'd never seen Alec act out like this, so harsh and rude. He guessed it was a side of him he never had met before because there was never any need for it. But now, Alec seemed so upset. It was this whole immortality business, Magnus guessed, that was bothering him. He didn't quite knew why. Alec knew he was immortal, he had known that even before they met.

Then again, Alec had been preoccupied with other things throughout their relationship. He probably never spent much thought on it until now. Until Camille had found it necessary to shake things up a little. Ugh. Magnus couldn't help but resent her for it. She was so vicious, and cunning like a snake. He wondered how it was possible that he ever loved her. For all the world he couldn't find anything in her anymore that was appealing.

He stood in the sanctuary, discussing Camille's escape with Maryse, telling her Camille might have had help from the outside. The guard had been called away for less than five minutes, yet it had been enough for Camille to disappear.

Maryse nodded when a fire message appeared in front of them, addressed to the Conclave.

To the Conclave of the New York Institute,


We are in need of back-up. We've been attacked by a cult worshipping the Greater Demon, Lilith. She, herself was here as well but seemed to have vanished. Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern is lying in a coffin on the roof. The whole scene needs to be inspected. Jace and Clary are wounded. Can Magnus come, too? I think Clary needs his help.


Underneath his name, an address was scribbled. Magnus read the message over Maryse's shoulder as soon as he recognized his boyfriends handwriting.

"By the Angel," Maryse whispered, "What is this? Lilith."

"It's nothing good, I'll tell you," Magnus said, "An attack of cult worshippers. We should go at once."

Maryse nodded and turned around, walking out of the sanctuary and into the Institute, "I have to call for reinforcement."

Magnus followed her, he felt an extreme worry for Alec coming over him. He knew he shouldn't have left him when he was this upset. Now he'd gone and thrown himself into some sort of fight, getting himself into danger. Magnus shuddered at the thought of something happening to Alec. He couldn't bare it. And Clary and Jace were hurt. And Lilith, that was not nothing. She was extremely dangerous. It was a miracle that any of them had survived an encounter with her at all.

Magnus waited at the entrance of the Institute for Maryse and a dozen other Shadowhunters to get ready. He pulled out his phone and send a message to Luke, thinking he and Jocelyn had a right to know this, too. Finally she came down, dressed in gear, a weapons belt around her hips.

"Let's go," she said to him. Together they left the Institute and pulled into a car. Kadir was driving. Magnus sat in the front and looked at Maryse through the rear view mirror. She looked determined, very much like her daughter. Her eyes were Alec's, though, a beautiful blue. She caught him looking at her.

"They'll be fine," she said to him, "My children know how to take of themselves."

Magnus was surprised because he realized she was actually reassuring him. Apparently his worry for Alec was written on his face. He nodded at her and stared out of the window, watching New York passing by. He wished they could go faster, that he could use his magic to speed it up a little. But Kadir wouldn't let him, saying he was going as fast as he could and that was fast enough.

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