Chapter 83: Feel It Coming

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Magnus was immensely enjoying himself. He found a Norwegian singer online and played her music really loud, while cleaning the loft. He didn't understand a word she sang, but he didn't care about that.

Soon, Alec would be home and he'd ask him to dance with him. This music screamed for dancing. He thought it might be a good idea to fly that singer in for Alec's birthday next month. His gorgeous Shadowhunter boyfriend was turning nineteen.

Nineteen. A year ago around this time Magnus had thrown a party where they first met. And how Magnus had fallen for the Shadowhunter. Deep, deep, deeply in love. That hadn't changed over the past year. If it had, it was because it had only grew even stronger, deeper still. He loved the fact that he knew Alec now. He knew Alec preferred eggs over pancakes for breakfast. He knew Alec could be grumpy if he hadn't had enough sleep. He knew he could make Alec laugh by pretending to be a great Shadowhunter warrior. He'd jump through the house, practicing flips and would say with a low, booming voice, "The Law is the Law. It's ridiculous, but it's the Law nonetheless."

Alec always laughed at that, although he'd also say, "Don't make fun of me."

"I'd never do that," Magnus would reply and flip through the room to land in front of Alec. "I think you're an amazing Shadowhunter."

It's been a year and Magnus thought it was the happiest year of his life. Despite all the drama, the wars, their horrible break-up, his stay in Edom, which would haunt his dreams every now and then.

It was high time for a party, Magnus thought, and Alec's birthday was the perfect occasion. Gabrielle, the Norwegian singer, echoed through the loudspeakers of the stereo.

Du får meg til å kjøre meg opp. Det e ingenting som kan kjøre meg ned.

Magnus had no idea what it meant and decided to google the lyrics. While he was reading an English translation he heard the key turn in the lock and Alec entered. He'd been to the Institute to train and discuss a demon problem they were having the last few weeks. An eidolon demon was roaming New York bars and had been too cunning to be caught. Jace, especially, was very frustrated.

Magnus hopped from the couch and took Alec's arm. "Come, dance with me. This music is awesome!"

Alec smiled, "You're in a good mood."

"Yeah, I feel like having a party," Magnus said as he moved through the room on the beat of the music. "How about hiring this singer for your birthday?"

"My birthday isn't for another month," said Alec, but he indulged Magnus and moved with him, swaying his hips.

"Yeah, so? If we want to book her, a month would probably be too short," Magnus said, worried. "I think I'll have to pay her double what she normally gets."

"What is this music?" Alec asked, tilting his head a bit, "What is this language? I don't understand a single word."

"It's Norwegian." Magnus took his phone and checked the lyrics, "It's about five women who go to a club. 'You make me drive myself up. There's nothing that can drive me down.' Wonderful lyrics!"

Alec raised his eyebrows in question. "You crazy," he established.

"You already knew that," Magnus said and he reached out a hand and pulled Alec towards him. In reply Alec wrapped his arms around him and nuzzled against him.

"I like it," he said in Magnus's hair. "And if you want to book this Norwegian singer, I'm all for it."

"Great!" Magnus was excited about it. He wanted to throw Alec the biggest party ever. Alec deserved it. "We'll have cocktails, too. And I was thinking about a blacklight theme, how does that sound?"

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