Chapter 80: The Werewolf and the Vampire

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It was quite surprising to Magnus how fast life went after Alec moved in. And how fast he was used to Alec living with him. When he woke up the morning after the weird clash between the werewolves and the vamps he already thought it so normal and natural to find Alec in the bed beside him.

He woke up to the smell of coffee again and he loved it. And so the days slowly turned into weeks as 2008 unfolded in front of them. Alec would get up early every morning, make coffee, bring Magnus a cup in bed and leave for the Institute. He usually came home half way through the day. Spending the afternoon and early evening with Magnus, and then he'd go out again to hunt demons. On the weekends they'd go out together, for dinner, a movie or a concert. Sometimes together with Jace and Clary.

Life was good.

Maia called a few weeks after the werewolf incident at Hotel Dumort, asking if she could come over to talk a few things through. On Tuesday evening she came, and to Magnus's surprise she brought Lily with her. Both girls were young and inexperienced and had difficulty leading their pack and clan.

Alec was out with Jace hunting demons, and Magnus missed him sorely. Mainly because the girls were shouting at each other and acting insufferable. He'd prefer an evening on the couch, watching a movie and nuzzling with Alec. Instead he had to listen to two teenage girls acting out against each other, both of them unwilling to listen to the other. He rolled his eyes at the Chairman, who jumped on the table, as if he were trying to come between the fighting girls.

Magnus had his hands in his hair, when the door opened and Alec finally entered. He jumped up to greet him, only to realize he wasn't in the best mood.

"What happened?" Magnus asked.

"Jace happened," Alec grumbled, "He assured me they were simple oblong demons and instead we walked into a dragon demon. They're supposed to be extinct!"

He rubbed his arm with a pained face. "Are you hurt?" Magnus asked.

"I'll be fine. That demon wrenched my arm almost out of the socket before Jace killed it." Alec looked sour and Magnus couldn't help but laugh a little, which made Alec only more mad. "If you're going to laugh at me, please leave. Go back to your visitors."

Magnus kissed him on the forehead before returning to the coffee table, where the girls were still shouting.

"You can't just kill someone, Lily!" Maia said. She had her elbows on the table and her hands under her chin, an exasperated look on her face.

"Why not?" Lily asked, "This wolf of yours walked by our hotel, on our grounds. We have every right to defend ourselves."

"But why would you want to kill him? Can't you just tell him to go away?" Maia said.

"Because," Lily rolled her eyes, "He won't listen anyway. So why not kill him?"

"Ugh, you are so hopeless," Maia sighed deeply. "Okay. You know what, I'll tell my pack to stay away from the hotel from now on, if you tell yours to stay away from the Hunter's Moon."

Lily pouted but didn't complain. Good, Magnus thought, we're finally getting somewhere.

Nothing was less true, because Maia launched the next problem, some difficulty they were having with mermaids and Lily suggested again to just go ahead and kill them.

"You can't be serious!" Maia shouted, losing her patience. "You can't solve every problem with killing."

"Explain why not?" Lily replied and their argument started again from the beginning.

It went on like this for quite some time and Magnus had no idea how to solve it. He was about to throw them out of the house when Alec suddenly interrupted. He was standing at the counter, staring at his phone when Lily said, again, that she didn't understand why she couldn't kill the mermaids.

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