Chapter 89: Max Lightwood-Bane

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Magnus woke up to the sound of a baby crying. It took him a few moments to understand where the sound came from. But then it all came back to him. It was his baby who was crying, wanting his attention. He had a baby now. A baby and a fiancé.

And the baby wanted something. To be fed, to be changed. Magnus had no idea which it was, but he sat up in bed and looked toward the crib. Alec was already there, getting the baby out of the crib and onto the changing table. "I think he needs a bath," Alec mumbled, while taking off the orange onesie the child was wearing.

A bath. That was one of the many things they'd found out babies needed. Babies needed so much. They needed special food and special clothes. They needed bottles and binkies and diapers, so many diapers, because they pooped all the time. And for the diapers they also needed a special diaper dispenser. Because you can't go down all the stairs to the dumpster outside the Academy with every dirty diaper, since there were about ten of those a day. Ten a day!

It was mind blowing for Magnus, all these new things in his life, all of them came with one single child. Alec had been so calm through all of it. That was the only thing that made Magnus believe he could handle this. He wasn't alone, his Shadowhunter was with him all the way. And more so, Alec wanted the child, loved the child. Who could ever love him? His mother had asked this question, and Magnus was so surprised to find out that the answer was that Alexander Lightwood could. Although, when he thought it through, it wasn't that surprising. Alec had such a big heart, he was one of the most loving persons Magnus knew.

He'd been stunned when Alec had asked his hand in marriage. Alec had a way of surprising him. He did it again and again. Magnus still couldn't quite believe it, that Alec really wanted to marry him. He was the first. In all the four hundred years Magnus had walked this earth, no one ever asked him to marry him. And now his Shadowhunter asked him and it broke his heart to turn him down. He wanted to say yes, and he had said yes, but his condition was that the Law would change. And when would that ever happen? They'd probably have to wait a long time.

Magnus didn't want anything more than to marry Alec. But he wanted a valid marriage, not one that could be dismissed by the likes of Robert Lightwood or any other pretentious, smug Shadowhunter.

Magnus shook his head to clear it of these glum thoughts. He got up, dressed himself quickly in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and went to stand next to Alec, who was struggling with getting the baby into the bathtub. The baby was wriggling and started whimpering in protest.

"You need a bath," Alec said to the child.

"He doesn't seem to want it," Magnus commented, as he took one of the baby's arms in his hand, helping Alec along.

"Well, that's too bad. We don't always get what we want. And oftentimes we have to make do with what we get. Which is, in this case, a bath."

"You're very strict," Magnus smiled at his boyfriend.

"Yes, of course." Alec had gotten the child in the tub now. He put some baby oil on a cloth and wiped it over the baby's chubby arms. "If we give in to him now, he'll be so spoiled. He'll always get what he wants, and he'll become a brat. You don't want a brat for a son, now, do you?"

Magnus regarded Alec in wonder, seeing how expertly he washed the child. "When did you become so wise?"

"I've always been wise," Alec said, smirking.

"That is very true," Magnus agreed. "I know you think you're joking, but you speak the truth."

"It's a good thing you think so highly of me," Alec said, while he continued washing his son. "Because I have a family who thinks it's a good idea to have a baby shower in our apartment tomorrow."

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