Chapter 61: Dutch Courage

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Magnus had told Luke and Jocelyn about what had happened with the Praetor Lupus. They were discussing Sebastian's message to the Downworlders. Sebastian wanted them to side with him, against the Nephilim. If they wouldn't, they'd all end up like the Praetor.

Jocelyn was pleading with Magnus not to tell this to the other representatives at the dinner tomorrow night. But Magnus wouldn't have any of it. He would never suggest to side with Sebastian, the boy was untrustworthy, but he did feel the need to preach honesty. Downworld deserved to know the truth. It was impossible to cover up the Praetor slaughter anyway.

They were still discussing it when there was a loud bang at the door. Luke went to open it and a moment later a blonde Shadowhunter girl entered. Magnus recognized the slightly pointed ears, indicating the girl had faerie blood in her.

"Helen Blackthorn," Jocelyn said, "Why are you here?"

"There's been an attack on the Adamant Citadel. Jace and Clary went through the Portal to fight," the girl explained.

Magnus stared at her in horror, instantly his mind went to Alec. If Jace went through, then Alec...

"Jace got wounded and Clary healed him, but she exhausted herself in the process. You should come at once, she's in the Basilias," Helen said.

Jocelyn had gone pale and whirled on Magnus. "Please, come?"

Magnus nodded and the four of them left the house, on their way to Angels Square. He looked over at the strange looking Shadowhunter girl, searching for a way to question her about Alec, without having to explicitly mention him.

"Who else were there?" he asked, carefully choosing his words, "Were there many wounded, are there deaths?"

Helen nodded, "It was bad. They sent through about fifty Shadowhunters, thinking that was enough against twenty Endarkened. But they were ambushed. Many perished."

Magnus sighed in frustration, her answer didn't give him any clarity.

Luke, walking in front of them, mingled in the conversation. "How did they let Jace and Clary through? They're not adults."

"They weren't supposed to go," Helen said, "But they went anyway. Alec and Isabelle wanted to follow but Jia and Robert stopped them."

Magnus sucked in a breath as a profound relief filled him. Alec wasn't in the battle, he wasn't wounded, he was okay.

He saw the girl look at him, hearing his sharp intake of breath. "Are you okay?" she asked. "Wait, I know you. You're that warlock Alec was dating."

"How do you know that?" Magnus asked, irritated.

"My girlfriend, Aline, is a good friend of his." Helen explained.

Magnus couldn't care less. He remembered Aline from the party after the Mortal War. Those were good times and he didn't want to think about the good times. They only made him miss Alec more. He was glad when they arrived at the square. Helen took Jocelyn with her inside the Basilias and he waited outside with Luke. Moments later Jocelyn arrived outside, carrying an unconscious Clary in her arms towards them.

Magnus saw her lips were blue and when he touched her arm she felt cold. "Her energy is dangerously low," he diagnosed. "Come."

He took a few steps to a quiet corner of the square and indicated Jocelyn to lay Clary down. He knelt down and moved his hands over her body, sensing her energy level. He carefully put his hand on her cheek, sending blue fire of healing into her.

Jocelyn and Luke were squatted down at Clary's other side. "Simon," Jocelyn said suddenly. Magnus looked up at her. "Let him stay away," he instructed.

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