Chapter 64: And to a Place I Come

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And to a Place I Come Where Nothing Shines

I came into a place mute of all light

Which bellows as the sea does in a tempest

If by opposing winds 'tis combated

The infernal hurricane that never rests

Hurtles the spirits onwards in its rapine

Whirling them round, and smiting, it molests them

- Dante, Inferno, Canto V, lines 28-33


After Alec killed the demon that guarded the entrance and sent them visions, the group started their trek through the barren wasteland of Edom. When night fell, it was obvious they had to find a place to rest and hide from the many demons that hushed through the air. They stumbled upon a cave, with entrances barred with gates. Jace opened the gate with his stele and they entered, cautiously.

They walked through a tunnel until they came into a large open space. Several other tunnels also led to the cavern. Everywhere in the tunnels and in the cave were runes scrawled. Nephilim runes, runes of protection and guarding.

"I think this was a place to hide," Alec said, almost whispering, not wanting to make too much noise. "Some sort of last barricade where whoever lived here once would be safe from the demons."

"Whoever lived here once knew rune magic," Clary said. "I don't recognize them all, but I can feel what they mean. They're holy runes, like Raziel's."

Jace slung his pack off his shoulders and let it slide to the ground. "We're sleeping here tonight."

Alec felt dubious about the idea. "Are you sure that's safe?"

"We'll scout the tunnels," Jace said. "Clary, come with me. Isabelle, Simon, take the east corridor. Well, we're going to call it the east corridor. Here's hoping this is still accurate in the demon realms." He tapped the compass rune on his forearm as he said it.

Isabelle took two seraph blades and nodded, "Fine."

Alec regarded her and didn't feel entirely comfortable with the idea of Isabelle going off with Simon into some dark space in a hell dimension.

"I'll go with you," he said.

"If you must," said Isabelle, shrugging. "I should warn you we'll be making out in the dark. Big, sloppy make-outage."

Simon looked startled. "We are—" he began, but Isabelle stomped on his toe, and he quieted.

" 'Make-outage'?" said Clary. "Is that a word?"

At the idea of Isabelle with the vampire, Alec felt nauseous. "I suppose I could stay here."

"Make a fire," Jace said to him, throwing him a stele. "Cook us a pie or something. This demon-hunting is hungry work."

Alec squatted down moodily. "Make a fire, cook a pie," he muttered. "Wouldn't you like it if you woke up in the morning with all your hair shaved off."

He saw Jace grin at Clary as they turned to the west-facing tunnel. As they walked away Alec couldn't help but yell after them, "And your eyebrows, too!"

Alec investigated the packs they'd taken with them from Alicante and laid out some food. Bread and chocolate, fruit and granola bars. He took a bottle of wine out of his own backpack, opened it and started drinking straight from the bottle.

He was alone now, which he dreaded. Because being alone gave him time to think and wallow in unhappiness. More than unhappiness. The anger, the pain and most of all the constant fear had left him worn out and cold. He'd killed that faerie knight, Meliorn, without blinking. It was very unlike him, he hardly recognized himself anymore.

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