Kaden x Reader

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'The night sure is beautiful, but where am I?'

The darkness was whispering to you on places to go and directions to turn in the forest. The green of the leaves gone dark and the brown of the bark almost invisible in the Black night. Odd for Hoshido.

Your hair flowed behind you as your brightly hued eyes scanned around in fear. 

'Where is everyone? How did I get here? Oh, right...'

Your friends dared you to spend a night in the woods to prove you aren't chicken. Some friends you had but you loved them anyway. But you hated the woods. Your hand flew to your seethed sword When you heard a strang noise.



You turn to a branch you had just past up to seema nocternal bird, owl, peacefully perched on it. Its lighter brown feathers ruffled.

'Gods, I  so jumpy.'

That's when you heard a rustling. In was a tremendous rustleing in a bush to your immediate left. You glance at it in horror through the corner of your eye. You unseethe your sword and point the blade at whatever could be hididmg in  the ominous bush.

"Reveal thy self!"

'Reveal thy self!? God I'm so scared I'm speaking Ye old English!'

A glimmer of orange catches your eye as a figure pops out of the bush. The first things you are able to comprehend are orange ears and a fluffy kitsune Tail. You stumble backwards and land on your rear in shock.


Your sword drops to your side as you look yo at the half fox half man. A kitsune, so you've heard. He looked extremely apologetic.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean  to frighten you!"

He chocolatey brown eyes meet your own for a moment and your shaking stops.

'He doesn't seem like a threat....'

He reaches his hand out towards you and you take it As he lifts you up to your feet. He grins at you almost like a small child would when wanting to play a game. It was a cheeky smile, yet optimistic at the same time.

"What are you doing in this neck of the woods anyway?"

He tail flicked back and forth reminding you of a neko. His ears looked soft and his orange hair matched his tail and ears. His blue clothing made him standout in the green scenery. As well as his striped scarf.

"Oh, umm... My friends, see, dared me to stay out in the woods for the night and I got lost...."

You flushed crimson out of embarrassment. Your head bows down in shame.

'I'm so stupid.'

You heard a chuckle as you look back up at the kitsune who's eyes are closed due to his laughing fit. His first was covering his mouth somewhat. His tail was still flickering back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. If you stared at it too long you would be in a trance.

"Hey! I have an idea! Why don't you Come with me for the night, then I return you home!"

You cocked your head And thought about it. 

'Maybe That is a good idea...' "But I don't deserve it since I never did anything for you in return..."

You close your mouth once you realize you said your thought aloud, at least some of them. He looks at you and smiles that childish grin again.

"For amusing me! I have to return the favor!"

You sigh. You do go with him, but you could only wonder where you would go,

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