Kiragi x Reader

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Sorry about the lack of updates last night. I DREW THE COMIC AND FINISHED IT!!! I made a book for it so you should check it out! My drawing sucks... and I broke the fourth wall multiple times.

"And now you're gonna pull back the arrow aaaaaaaaaand..."

Kiragi was standing right next to you, so close. His cheek was literally brushing up agaisnt youras as he was teaching you how to use a bow. You weren't skilled at archery, but you gained the weapon after becoming a bow knight.


He let go causing you to let go sending the arrow hurdling at the painted target on the tree. It landed dead center. A wide grin came across both of your faces.

"I DID IT!!!"

"YOU DID IT (YOUR NAME)!!! Now try it on your own!"

The optimistic boy grinned at you as he handed you another arrow. The prince was always your crush since you both met. 

His parents were both Hoshidan royals and he had a little brother you had saved from being kidnapped. Twice. Kana was a sweetheart but he didn't know how to not trust people.

Kiragi was something special. He was always cheerful and happy. Nothing could ever bring him down. And that's what made him unique, awesome, and so very lovable.

Kiragi was looking at you as you pulled the arrow back with difficulty. Bending the bow took all your might. You strained yourself for a mi Ute to aim at the target. Little droplets Of sweat beaded down your neck. You squeezed your eyes shut as you let it go.

You hear a loud thud and cheering next to you.


Your eyes open slightly and you see your arrow lodged dead center onto the one Kiragi shot with you. You hardly knew it was possible. You gawked at it as Kiragi warped hsi arms around you and gave you a light squeeze, causing a Heat to infiltrate your cheeks.


After a minute you hugged Kiragi back with the widest smile anybody has ever seen. He actually lifted you up and spin you around. You were shocked and blushing so loudly.(blushing so hard.) When he put you down he had a rouge on his own face and he rubbed the back of his neck like his father often does.

"Heh heh, sorry. Guess thst just.... happened."

"Wow, that's your explanation?"

You place a sassy hand on your hip and he pretends to be appalled.

"Excuse me, madam, but it is the best I got!"

You both stare at eachother for a few seconds, holding in the snickers. Kiragi had a protective hand over his chest dramatically an dhis hips were popped out a bit. Your hips were definitely popped put and you had your hand on one side to define them and make it all the more sassy.

Kiragi let out a snirk and you both fall to to the ground, laugjign your heads off.

You laugh

And laugh 

And laugh.

You laugh so much and so hard Kana was sent to find you and his big brother. Once he arrived you both only laughed harder. Kana was confused so you had to try and calm down and explain. 

He still didn't get it.

But then Kiragi got up but he fell over trying to do so while still laughing. That got you again and you entered a whole new fit of laughter and Kana coudlnt help but join it.

You three started laughing

And laughing

And laughing

Until Prince Takumi himself had to come and fetch you all. You all calmed down quick at the sight of him and Kana stood up. Kiragi tried and actually did stand up without  problem this time.

Kiragi told you he'd see you later before leaving. You just held the practic bow he lended you proudly in your hand.

Maybe you can try and aim for his heart. His heart to get his love.

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