Chapter 1: The Stairs

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   It was another peaceful day in Norway. Business was slow and for some reason, a number of famous stores were closed but that meant for more reasons to be up and about or another excuse to lay in bed.

   What else was there waiting in that nation of snow and beautiful mountains? For the sake of the storyline, it would be the famous sensational group called NaiteKorVocalMania, or NKVM.

   A musical group that was much like any other and at the same time, more different than the rest. Sure, they do attend talk shows, make songs of their own and travel internationally to perform but the one thing that stopped them from being considered as 'normal' singers and dancers was that...

   ...they are not human.

   You could consider them as humanoids or androids but at the end of the day, neither of them minded not being all flesh and blood. Their aim in life (which was not entirely programmed in their heads like usual androids) was to spread joy and hope to humans through music and dances. This was more than enough to tell them that it is fine to be themselves.

   Moving on, most of the members of the group have left their large mansion that sat on a remote hill to not waste the peaceful and free day while a few had stayed back to embrace their laziness.

   Sitting on the black leather sofa of a modern-looking living room was Freddie who sat by his friend Lucas who was reading. Freddie was the young lad with lively brown eyes and a forever-smile on his face.  You can often see him wearing T-shirts or sweaters of light blue and dark sleeves.

   He had a black headless mic, much like all members of the NKVM, that shone by his right ear side. (It was originally at his left ear side but because of a 'certain someone' screaming unnecessarily and directly at his face, it had shifted to the opposite side due to sensitivity. Indeed, this is possible.)

   As for Lucas, you can usually see him wearing loose pink shirts with long dark sleeves. His pants were the same as Freddie's and he owned white (and favourite stain-proof) sneakers that would shine steadily by any light.

   As he was reading, he had his right eye closed while the other, which had a special contact lens that made the dark pupil behind it looked like a tiny pink heart, was focused on the book. He was humming a random tune, sending a mini wave to his headless mic that was on his right ear side.

However, the man who was said to have innocent mentally was unintentionally biting a strand of Lucas' brown hair as he watched the other read the forbidden book (at least to Freddie and Annie; the youngest member of the group) 'Fifty Shades of Grey'.

Lucas did not at all mind Freddie biting his hair. Actually, he did not mind a lot of things. He just let everybody else do their own thing and let Mother Nature do her thing. Well, unless they were doing something that was obviously bad for them or anyone else.

"Why areth theyth doing?" Freddie asked, still having a strand of Lucas' hair in his mouth as he pointed at the book with his curious eyes.

There was one paragraph of where the couple in the story were having some time together that should be rated R in movies and unfortunately, one of Lucas' hand which was meant to cover most parts of the book from Freddie's eyes had failed its temporary purpose. Instantly realising his stupidity, Lucas immediately shut the book and moved away from Freddie, causing Freddie to release Lucas' hair and look at the other with concern.

"It's nOthing." Lucas' eyes widened a little by the nervous voice crack which caused Freddie to giggle.

'Well shit,' The older uttered in his mind. 'I thought he couldn't read.'

Smiles Can't Be Stitched CompletelyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora