Chapter 44: Father Was A Very Broken Angel

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   (To the newbies, I actually made five chapters of Chapter 44 before making it as a chapter..! So expect a Maniac Note outta nowhere and numbers too pls!😋!)


   It was 'Choosing Day'; a day of intensive significance for most orphanages all around the world. It is when caretakers lead (usually) children into a room for a special line up.

   Once the youngsters align and the parents appear before them, then the choosing event would commence and the lucky ones get to head for home belonged to their (based on filled adoption papers) parents.

   "Get up, David! It's Choosing Day!" A Young Agent 197.56 whined.

   She knocked rapidly onto a door with her little fists. Her hair bobbing behind her when she jumped up and down from impatience.

   "I don't care, Zelenka. Let me go back to sleep," grumbled a voice of a little boy from behind the door.

   'Zelenka' let out a huff before kicking the door open and barging into the dorm. She could hear him groan by her loud presence and pouted.

   "You lazy bum, Miss Permanentia wouldn't be happy if you stay here while the event is going on!" Reasoned Zelenka as she worried for her friend's sake.

   She could see him flinch by the name of Miss Permanentia; the co-founder of the orphanage. David did not like that woman. He was like a main target for her to hit.

   It was either because he was a naughty kid when it came to homework and-or chores or she just loved hearing him beg for her to stop.

   The boy was lucky that the other sirs and mistresses were not like her. They were a lot nicer towards him and the other young ones. Especially Miss Lux; the founder of the building's younger sister.

   It is sad how none of the other colleagues knew about Miss Permanentia's physical idiocies towards the children. Strengthening that malicious flaw was her intelligence which was enough to make children paranoid of their own actions and keep their pain to themselves.

   "Okay, I'll be there," sighed David from underneath his blanket, clearly defeated.

   In addition, he slept in a bunk bed much like all the other children and stayed at the bottom while Zelenka's older brother, Nathan, took the top.

   "Give me three minutes."

   Zelenka nodded, understanding, before running out of the room and giving David some privacy. When knowing that Zelenka was no longer nearby with the other young humans, he changed his dark night clothing into something bright: An orange jacket, a yellow t-shirt, blue denim jeans and his usual green shoes.

   'Meh. Doesn't matter,' he thought when he saw his messed up *blonde hair and did not want to care about brushing them.

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