Chapter 24: Almost There...

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After two whole hours in Dr.Pilly's clinic, Happy Boy felt relieved that he managed to get out of there. Not because he didn't like the place, but because he was too tired.

When he was in the clinic, he was told to do and stay away from a few things (both daily and rarely) like:-

-"Don't look at anyone on a Saturday night",
-"You're not allowed to kill anyone from three o'clock to four o'clock every single day",
-"Think of someone you care or love for before you sleep", and lastly
-"Stay up all night every Monday in the month of October".

It all seemed a bit tough, especially the last rule, to handle but Happy Boy's sure he could get used to them.

"Don't forget!" Dr.Pilly shouted from his clinic when Happy Boy was at the end of the hallway he was in.

Happy Boy chuckled and waved at Dr.Pilly before proceeding to go to his room to rest for the night.

It was all good. Halfway through the tests that were given to him, he managed to remember everything about the clinic. Including two little girls named Canker and Dearina.

Canker was a twelve-year-old who died during her fight with cancer, but Chales revived her so that she could have more view of the world.

She even loves to sing and she's sort of afraid of fights and darkness. That's why she's quite lucky to have four night lights in her bedroom.

And then there's Dearina. She was a deaf six-year-old who died after trying to escape from a kidnapper. She was revived by Chales who taught her sign languages, even though he only had one tentacle arm.

On the plus side, she gets along with Emotion since they're used to not speaking and sometimes, she would whisper if she's scared or excited.

As Happy Boy walked down the Long silent hallways of the orphanage, passed by numerous wooden doors and climbed up a few staircases, he wondered where the two girls. Coincidentally, his question was answered.

"Happy Boy..?"

Happy Boy, just a few more steps so he could reach his bedroom door, turned around and saw none other than Canker and Dearie themselves.

He kneeled down at Canker's height and smiled softly at the two girls. "Hello, you two. I missed you."

They both smiled at him and hugged him who gladly hugged them back. They stayed that way until Canker pulled back and suddenly looked a little serious and scared. Happy Boy realised this.

"Is there something wrong, Canker?" He questioned.

Dearina stared down at her little feet as Canker replied,"Eyevie said that your NaiteKorVocalMania friends will be arriving here tomorrow."

Happy Boy was surprised at first. And then he asked Canker and Dearina again,"Okay, but why are you both so sad about them arriving? They're at our side. Trust me."

Canker and Dearie looked at one other and then at Happy Boy with eyes slowly pooling with tears. Canker said and Dearie whispered,

"We don't want them to take you away from us."

Happy Boy took a short while to process their words but then sighed and hugged them again, letting them cry on his shoulders.

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