Chapter 19: Far But Alive

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   Lizzy hissed as she carefully went on her knees, unintentionally scratching off bits of flesh from her palms and kneecaps because of the rough and rocky surface she was on. She cursed at herself for not wearing the correct clothing for a Mission like she was in.

   She opened her eyes and shook her head then tried to process the area she was in and how she ended up there. She was in some sort of a dark place. Correction: World.

   The clouds were heavy-looking, thundery and dark as if they were about to let go of their probably not-good water. There were thin clouds as well but were shaped like Long and sinister-looking snakes.

   The air was so gusty that it made Lizzy's hair fly as if she was entering a tornado. The smell of the air was not so fresh though.

   The gravel and wet dirt were practically fighting their way into the cuts in Lizzy's body, making her form tears but she was trying so hard to stay conscious over her sleepy and overwhelmed body.

   All of the trees were thin, grey and dead. Not a single leaf grew on them. For a moment there, Lizzy thought she saw dead and bleeding raven birds hanging with small ropes around their necks that were connected on the fragile branches were swaying along with the wind and their beaks forming a crooked smile.

   When the girl tried to take a closer look, a lightning bolt had flashed and hurt her eyes. She gasped and rubbed her eyes before blinking them. She saw a lot of Colours, mostly red-like blood and night-like blue, before her normal sight came back. She sighed once she gained her sense back.

   Lizzy coughed from the sudden heavy smell entering her nose and then down her throat. It smelled like hot and heavy smoke suddenly appearing in front of her nostrils and let her smell it in but she couldn't find where it was originally at or how it was made.

   Just a few moments after trying to recall back of what had happened, Lizzy heard a Low and painful groan coming from behind her. She felt a feeling of apprehensiveness stabbing her repeatedly on her already quick-paced heart as she feared for the worst.

    She spun around and put her hands on the floor, still on her knees and moved her body more to her right. She turned her head more than she turned her body actually.

   Her legs were more bruised than her palm and knees so she had to wiggle her way around, sounds of tiny solid dirt and others getting crushed as she continued, forcing themselves into Lizzy's exposed skin.

   She watched as Lucas, on his stomach, weakly shook the unconscious Hazim with one scratched arm and turned to coughed at the other. Lucas was already too weak and it shocked Lizzy to see him being the one who was conscious.

    "Hazim.... w-wake up," Lucas coaxed then coughed again midway and then gently gripped both sides of Hazim's arms and shook him like so, tears prickled at the side of his eyes.

   Eventually, he was on his knees, shaking and pleading Hazim to wake up. "Please... wake up... please."

   "L-Lucas?" Lizzy's voice cracked but she didn't give a damn about it.

   Another lightning bolt appeared. Lizzy's shadow loomed over Lucas. Because of that, Lucas quickly turned to stare at Lizzy and forced a smile on his bleeding face. There was a Long gash on his forehead that seemed to be the main cause of the bleeding and his heart pupil were split into half again.


   Lizzy grunted and groaned as she turned around completely. Lucas too tried his best to get closer to Lizzy but they were a bit too far. Five feet ahead perhaps but that was still far for their injured bodies.

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