[{Maniac Note}]⛓The Government In Dimension 1--345-896--34⛓

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   To be precise, I do not know how the government works by 100% (in our world -3-) and I'll most likely hear complaints in the future if I had/would type(d) down anything wrong about them T-T

   So in Dimension 1--345-896--34, monsters/humanoids/spirits/etc... slowly began to be very common (and some were pretty much dangerous) towards the public that the government was losing parts of themselves into two groups they dominated since day one:

   The F.B.I and The C.I.A.

   How they went down was like this for example: Mysterious tall beings of light began to appear around the coasts and dark allies of Norway. Three to four of them dragged adults and teenagers into abandoned buildings and brought death to them the same night they took them.

   The public then blamed the government for "being weak" towards tracking and hunting down the entities and sought for solace from The F.B.I.

   At the end, The F.B.I had tracked down a couple of the threatening entities (without realising at first) that they overpowered the government of Longyearbyen and Oslo, Norway.

   Therefore, The F.B.I's connection to the government had increased more than usual. This allowed them to gain more access to the country (and a few other countries outside it) and becoming The F.B.I of Norway.

   Based on this story, you could now tell why The C.I.A were trying to replace The F.B.I with themselves. Sure, The C.I.A were stronger than the weakened government and was a part of it but only by a quarter. Not as much as The F.B.I :P

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