Chapter 30: Finding Them

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"I'm from the east side of America
Where we choose pride over character
And we can pick sides but this is us, this is us,
This is..."

Aloysius sang cheerfully but steadily to one the songs by The Chainsmokers as he skipped happily into the woodlands he used to 'run' away with Ameenah from the C.I.A headquarters.

Might I tell you (or remind you, if you've already known by one of the drawings I did of Aloysius) that even though he's actually an enemy of the NaiteKorVocalManians, he loved to sing. It's even more ironic that there were times he had sung a few of their songs.

But as his crush on the C.I.A chief got even deeper, he trained himself to sing whenever he's alone.

Back to the topic, everything was quite peaceful to say the least. It was an early dawn and he loved how the cold early winds pushed themselves gently onto his face and body. It made him shiver and giggle to himself.

Sighing with his arms wrapped around himself, he spoke to himself and dramatically,"Oh, what a night it has been for a broken shadow such as I.

"Wouldn't things be better like the sun rising with its wondrous raging colours if Silver-Chan would come and embrace me with his arms of strength at such a freezing time such as this?

"Oh why must I, the being of eight forms but with a heart of fire, be the one lying on dry ice? Dear oh my, can someone please KILL me with a stake that grows red flowers or perhaps with a snake that never breathes?!"

Suddenly, he stopped at his tracks and stared downwards. His personality changed quickly from a depressed and daydreaming Shakespeare character into someone so crazed and love-obsessed. Much like a fanboy.

He began to spin around in circles playfully with his hands held together. "But a man of such honour and generosity will save me from my sorrow! Senpaaaai, please notice my love for you already~!"

He stumbled upon the same river he and the Muslimah had crossed and smirked at the bleeding and rotting corpses that had themselves stabbed by the sharp and hidden river rocks underneath the rushing water.

He tsk-tsked and shook his head with his fists above his hips before crossing over the river with ease (and sass).

"Whoops!" He laughed when he 'accidentally' stepped onto a petrified-looking face on a head of a C.I.A agent with his dark foot.

Not exactly satisfied, he pushed the head even more onto the spikes underneath it until he heard a very disturbing yet pleasing crack underneath him.

The shadow person congratulated himself for being 'so strong' before proceeding his journey to the other side of the river.

Cackling, he rubbed his bare feet onto the grassy land he jumped on and watched as tiny blue nerves and small clumps of thick blood stuck themselves onto the green plants.

After getting his feet wiped, his travel to the Orphanage with no one-not even his siblings who he doesn't trust or rely on completely anymore-to tell him to stop smiling. Oh how they get on his nerves at times...

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