[{Maniac Note}]=🌟Quick Fact-Attack!🌟

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Maniac Note 1: *looks at the picture above* Damn it! I wish I can go there! *notices [Y/N] and some others and gasps, clears throat and smiles* Hey, fellas! Yes, I did this in the other NKVM book as well but I'm putting these facts about the NKVMs here too just in case you don't have enough time to look at my other book! So here we go!

(#1:Their Mikes)
-The headless mikes of the NaiteKorVocalManias will change from time to time (sometimes, from circular to oval-ish, then diamond-looking to rectangle) because of the uneven sounds entering ones ear.
Example: If Kaitlynn yelled too much poop in Freddie's left ear, the mike (during midnight) will automatically shift itself to Freddie's left ear, making it disappear (just so that it could protect his eardrum) and an ear will form on Freddie's right, covering the empty metal void.

-The NKVMs will have an 89% chance of having a nightmare once/twice/thrice a month/year. It will most likely be flashbacks of their own deaths or what happened after they died. (More on that in 'The NaiteKorVocalManias (A Vocaloid AU) and their Informations!' book.

(#3:The NKVM Mansion[s])
-The mansion is actually separated into two six-storey high buildings. One for the Originals (Nicolas, Winter, Freddie, etc...) and the other for the Additionals (Rebecca, Kawaii, etc...) and Extras (Newton, Garnet, etc... If you have enough time, take a look at the other book because there are a lot of these so-called 'Additionals' and 'Extras' to explain and the other thing is that they won't be in this book so there're not much reasons to explain their infos here). The building is located on a hill in Norway where it's rare for anyone to see it standing.
-In the NKVM mansion, only the NKVMs themselves can enter. Unless the outsiders are allowed to enter by the permission of the group, then that's  another thing. (The F.B.I agents are always 'welcome'). There's a headless-mike scanner on each door of the buildings. It will know if that person's a NKVM for sure. Although there is one thing that's quite complicated and depressing. There's a room in the F.B.I Agency called 'The Opener'. If the NKVMn fans think that one of the NKVM characters are 'boring' or they did something threatening that can cause havoc in human society, the F.B.I will find the NKVMn, bring them to the Opener and tear open their headless-mike(s) off. The NKVMn will either survive or die because of blood loss. However, they can't go back in the mansion if they survived. Like I said, there are scanners and what's more upsetting is that if that ever happened, the F.B.I will keep the 'reject(s)' away from the NKVM by force or just plain kill them since they're 'useless'.

(#4:The F#%^ Are The F.B.I Involved?)
-It's because they thought the NKVMs are 'threats to society' and might 'explode themselves to kill humanity' and will not hesitate to kill them if they broke 'society rules'. Although Nicolas and Rebecca(the Additional NKVMn leader) made a deal with the agents, the F.B.I's were such numbskulls that they said,"Sure. We'll leave you alone but just remember, we're watching you." I just face-palmed while tying this...

(#5:The Creators)
-The creators: Firewall 2.6, Madamemoselle Stitches, Program Pete and Sonata System.... They're the true and actual leaders of the NKVMs whereas Nicolas and Rebecca are slightly lower than them but back to the main fact: No one can see these four except for the NKVMs! But,.... most of them couldn't see Stitches... Only Annie.

Maniac Note 2: These facts are needed for future chapters! Also! I'm done with Chapter 6 and 7! Chapter 8's coming out soon! Like, maybe after a few days or less than a day...? 6SmileGirl ! I'm going to do no.2 and 5 in that chapter but I'm having a little trouble connecting these two brilliant ideas! 😅 I asked for it but I love these ideas!! I think I just need one more idea to connect these two to make a complete chapter...!

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