Chapter 48: The Creature Behind The Father-Figure

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   "I see," uttered Chales with a worried look on his face.

   He gave a sad smile to T1m3. "Thank you."

   T1m3 modded then went off.

   Chales, however, cleared his throat and stood up. The agents and NKVMs in the room were more than surprised to see Chales transform into his human self: a fair and tall man with purple hair. His right eye was stitched shut with red thread while the other's pupil was in crimson. His torso and pants matched his fabric pattern and colour. Even his missing arm was replaced with a bandaged wrap.

  Then he spoke in his habitual soft voice to the rest,"Please excuse me while I go handle this situation."

   The others understood and got ready to leave as well once Chales walked out of the dining. The cane he held made sounds as it tapped onto the floor repeatedly.


   When Chales reached the crashed car near the forest, he spotted four unrecognisable people. Two were very brawny guys while the other two was a messed-up man in a suit and a blonde and short-haired woman. They all appeared high and drunk from a party.

   Drunkenly, the woman went to Chales and asked,"Is it-." Then she stopped shortly to let out a 'hic!'. "-okay if we use the shit—" Then another hiccup. "—I mean, sh-shitting room?"

   "The bathroom?" Chales corrected with an unsure grin. "Well first, you have to ask politely and put every alcoholic beverage—."

   "My wife asked, asshole," the suited man strictly told Chales, hearing the woman giggle by his words.

   Chales went silent but forced out a smile. "Please,.."

   He moved to a side and gestured towards the entrance of the building.

   "Be my guest."


   "Why are we doing this?" Sheena asked in a whisper to Eyevie as everyone from the dining went to hide in unmentioned places or back to their rooms.

   The two were running down a corridor actually. Eyevie, to answer, gazed up at Sheena as she proceeded to hover on ahead.

   "It's better than staying near the Kill Zone."

   Sheena slowed down a bit by her answer and fully faced her. "Hold on, what?"

   She grunted when Eyevie pulled her sleeve and dragged her down a stairway. With a final look behind her, Sheena saw Chales leading the married couple and burly men somewhere.


   "Need a pill!" Laughed the woman, hugging her husband's arm as if it was a stuffed toy.

   "Fuck yeah!" Hollered her husband.

   The irritation showed clearly on Chales' face but he was ahead so his 'guests' did not see it. As he was ahead, the married man actually listened to his wife and planned to take a sneaky stop to Dr.Pilly's office once they walked passed it.

   "Keep him busy," the man whispered to one of his bodyguards and the other nodded.

   As the guard tried to make a conversation with Chales, the suited man quickly went into the office and searched for a painkiller. He thought he saw a bottle of them lying peacefully on the doctor's table and took it without a care.

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