Chapter 4: Towards The Light

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The next day, Freddie was sitting and eating breakfast in the living room. Sitting beside him was Lucas who was (finally) reading a couple of newspapers instead of hentai or inappropriate novels.

   Most of the rest of the gang went to their actual part-time jobs, school or visit their still-living families, leaving finished and dirty dishes behind for either Winter, Freddie, Lucas or Annie to clean.

Freddie happily ate his scrambled eggs and pancakes as he listened to Lucas's humming of an unfamiliar song. It sounded so calm and wavy that it fascinated Freddie.

   Was it the new unfinished song Lucas was planning to finish by the end of the month? The optimistic boy tilted his head to one side, showing that he was curious as he struggled to look at Lucas behind the newspapers.

"Hey, Luki!" He called out after swallowing his scrambled eggs.

"Hmm?" Lucas hummed as a reply, not tearing his eyes away from the newspaper.

Freddie thought and put his fork on his plate. "What are you humming?"

Lucas raised a brow, looking straight into Freddie's eyes of curiosity. "What humming?" He asked back, confused at Freddie's question.

"I wasn't humming."

Freddie's eyes widened and looked down at his plate. It was dirty and empty. Boy, he was still hungry but no, back to the subject.

"But," He said softly. "I heard you."

"W-well, I-I certainly didn't hear anything," Lucas chuckled nervously because of Freddie then looked away. "Trust me. It's either one of Kaitlynn's songs ringing in your head or the neighbour's terrible one."

"But we don't have neighbours!" Freddie shot back.

Lucas froze before chuckling. "Nah, nah. We do have them nearby. It's just that they're.... really.... really... really.... far away from our hill. Hehe."

Freddie made a sad smile and rested his cheeks on his hands which his elbows rested on the table. His eyes were narrowed but his smile was still there.

   It seems as if his eyes were the only things that's showing true emotions since his smile was unremovable.

Anyways, this happened before. The 'humming', I mean. And on the same day even.

   Nicolas was making a new Dubstep music in his room out of boredom when of nowhere, Freddie burst into the room and asked Nicolas what was he singing and said that Nicolas's singing woke him up.

   Technically, Nicolas didn't even moved his lips at all. He was only pressing and turning several buttons on his DJ board with speakers thats volume was in three.

A few minutes before breakfast was made, Freddie barged into Winter's bedroom, startling the poor girl and asked her why was she shouting for his name.

   He said it annoyed him but he said as politely as possible because he knew how Winter was. Winter, confused and afraid, told Freddie that she was asleep until he woke her up.

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