Chapter 25.1: Freedom

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   "H-help..." Winter whispered.

   When Nicolas noticed that Mark was standing right behind the rest, he faced him and then at Winter who he was extremely surprised and relieved to see her. He ran to her and carried her in his arms.

   "Winter..." he whispered and shakily caressed her bloody cheek, then looked at her messed up lower body.

   When he said her name, her eyes twitched from the electric spark that popped out of her head and fell unconscious, leaving her friends to watch her in concern.


   "I used to feel so... depressed, so vulnerable, so... desperate," said a woman above a Whisper. "So desperate for my Daughter to come back... that I decided to become a part of her humanoid self."

   The woman had Long and silver hair that flowed by the cold winds. Her baby blue eyes sparkled by the only light above her. The white nightgown she wore was one of her Favourites that she would wear it for three nights straight.

   Also, she had no vessel to possess anymore, allowing her to roam around the dark environment she was in while floating. She smiled softly and continued to speak.

   "Although, as I proceeded to be a soul of metallic parts and wires, I felt like a prisoner who will forever be behind bars, a slave who will forever own chains gripping onto their wrists and ankles, or even a disabled child who's unable to move their muscles."

   The woman sighed then faced upwards with a calm and dreamy look in her eyes. Above her was, as said before, light. Pure, white and bright light.

   Heaven's light.

   She heard a familiar deep and soft chuckle and she giggled at the person who did so. The person, who was in fact a man, walked up to her and extended a muscular arm for her to take.

   Spontaneously, the woman wrapped her pale arms around it and rested her head on the man's shoulder. The man smiled down at her before looking upwards to the light, having the same numb and gentle expression on his face.

   "But now,.. we're free," he stated.

   "And we will finally get to meet our child," said the woman excitedly. "Our real child. The child we've always wanted to have, the child we've always missed ever since the day she was murdered, and the child we've always loved for years."

   The two paused, faced each other for a few seconds, before turning around with the same faint smiles on their faces.

   "Unlike you."

    Winter, who had happened to be there, was puzzled, confused and heartbroken. She looked as if she was about to say a remark to her parents' souls that were floating a few inches above the ground in front of her but nothing came out.

   They slowly hovered towards the troubled humanoid. Their pale eyes burnt into Winter's and stayed that way for a while. The uncomfortable tension grew and Winter hated it.

   Gladly yet unfortunately, the parents had turned away before flying towards the blinding light from above, leaving the soulless humanoid named 'Winter' behind...

Maniac Note
Just one short chapter about what happened to the souls of Winter's parents before continuing the big but normal ones (possibly the big and normal ones 😅).

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