Chapter 37: No Longer Shall Your Body Be A Locked Closet

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   Panting as she ran, there came a moment when Kaitlynn had to stop so quickly. There she stood, in her paroxysm of worry and fear, and stared at a door that was not so far away from her and only a few doors down the corridor she was in. It looked so abandoned and dusty.

   'Perfect,' thought Kaitlynn in triumph.

   She went forward and pulled open the door with its rusty handle and sprinted into the cramped room of empty boxes and small foreign items, closing and locking it after with a pale hand.

   Sighing heavily, she leaned her back against the door and slowly slid down to her knees, rubbing her temple with an index finger and a thumb and shaking her head in grave disappointment.

   She couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe herself. She couldn't believe that she was so close to doing what she had willed to do when she was so so so close to Happy Boy.

   She wanted to kiss him.

   Worst of all, because of his soft, smooth and heated touch...

   When his arms wrapped and gripped around her waist in order to help her stand her ground and not fall...

   When they accidentally pulled the female's shirt a little upwards and revealed her sides,..

   Kaitlynn was able to feel Happy Boy's fingers against her skin and she couldn't resist but feel so turned on by it. She wanted him badly. And it disgusted her.

   That's why she ran away from him: her innocent and used-to-be aphrodisiac boyfriend.

   "Urgh!" Kaitlynn grunted and slammed a fist against the door behind her.

   She felt warm liquid forming from within her eyes but didn't bother wiping them away. She proceeded to sit for five minutes more before hearing a recognisable voice communicating to her from within her head,

   "Why didn't you just go for it?"

   Kaitlynn growled, knowing it was Fran who was questioning her. "You know I couldn't, and you know I didn't w-want to."

   "I get the first part but the second? Kaity, your lies are drying up. I expected much from a glorious being such as you. Maybe if you let me control you for a few minutes, then I might be able to help you with your problems! Really..."

   "GAH! What is the matter with you?! Can't you just leave me alone?!" Kaitlynn struggled to keep her waterworks to herself, and Fran's tsk-tsking wasn't much of a motivational offer.

   "Wow. You know what, Kaitlynn? I just remembered something... So let me tell you this: you should know that I've gotten a little more stronger..."

   The goldilocks gasped when her hands raised and then wrapped themselves around her neck tightly, cutting off the air she was breathing.

   "...and when I get stronger, I become more dominant than--Oh, what were you creatures called again..? To your daughter, you're her Outer Parent but to me...? Oh yes...

   "Since my form had strengthened, no longer shall your body be a locked closet to me anymore. Nor your presence be as my ruler,.. princess,.. master,.. 'friend'. Soon, I will no longer be yours but you will be mine."

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