Chapter 36: Restarting

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Tyke looked away and braced himself for the worst but began to doubt the unbearable pain he expected to feel when he realised that Kaitlynn didn't hit him.

He hesitantly looked back at his attacker who had her head lowered with the sunshine-yellow locks averting her face. The chains around her dropped beneath her with a loud CLANG! before vanishing in dust, leaving numerous small cracks on the floor it dropped itself on. When they utterly disappeared, so did most of the green glows on and around the female's body.

Kaitlynn stayed floating for a few more seconds before slowly lowering herself down onto the surface she wrecked a little below her. Her arms hanged out lazily and her trunk was bent forward slightly, making her long strands of hair hide that top part of the body as well.

"Kaitlynn..?" Manny called and took a few cautious steps towards his troubled old friend with his hand trembling in front of him.

He flinched when her head shot up in a flash with her hair parting a little to reveal some parts of her face. Her green glowing orb had abated and was turned back to its normal flashing blue.

Now both of her eyes had waterfall-like tears streaming down her cold and pale face that had no longer expressed anger but rather sorrow, regret, and the pure looks of feeling ashamed.

"I-I'm... S-s-sorry," Kaitlynn choked out with her normal tone of voice. Her body shaking from sadness. "I just w-wanted... t-to be w-with... ha-happiness himself again."

"Kaitlynn..." Manny stood in front of her and embrace her into a warm hug, thinking she really needed it.

Because of his unbelievable generosity, Kaitlynn felt her legs weaken and she then dropped down to her knees, sobbing and hugging Manny back tightly.

When Manny lower body touched the floor like Kaitlynn's to continue on the hug, he turned and gave Prissa a sad look. Prissa didn't bother hesitating and went to the two. Then there she sat on the floor, embracing both Manny and Kaitlynn.

For everyone else, they were relieved that Kaitlynn was done with expressing her strong emotions that they dropped or put away their weapons and physical guards as a response, watching the comforting and warming scene ahead of them.

Encam chuckled at his younger brother when he noticed that Sodius wore his usual plain expression. "Lemme guess. Is it because you've predicted this?"

"I've only predicted three things," Sodius uttered back at his brother while not exactly facing him. "The first would take place if Kaitlynn did hit Tyke. Her intense beam of light would electrocute the child oh so painfully that it would temporarily make him unconscious yet to kill him very slowly. As an instant reaction, Chales would finally fight back after seeing one of his fellow Children hurt and he would get himself hurt as well.

"The second one would occur if Kaitlynn did managed shoot out her powers but then she suddenly changed her mind and her motion's direction. Instead of hitting the younger boy, her beam would hit Lizzy instead. This could cause a deadly reaction to every character of this book and the book itself for it could collapse future plots and attempts, even if it's just by killing one of the main characters that's in this cross-over.

"The third, however,..."

"Ch-Cha-ales!!" Tyke sprinted towards the caretaker and pounced on him, only to immediately cling onto him like a koala.

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