Chapter 49: Seeing Her Again

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   (Okay... *breathes in and out* Okay... *rubs my temples* Let's do this. *claps hands together* Unicorns, chainsaws and potatoes... Nine months... Time to exchange your time with only a few days or less than a month.

   I'm not crazy, ima maniac. Lez go, lez go. *cracks my knuckles* Let'sa go, Mario.)


   "C'mon, c'mon," muttered the blonde agent as he opened up what seemed to be his fiftieth book that night.

   He let out a short cry, quickly mentally reminding himself that he was in a library for Pete sake, and threw it onto the pile of knowledge he and a certain Children made over the past hour with a soft thud. He would feel regretful later for doing so but at that moment, searching and searching for that one specific book was his and the little girl who made him do this' top priority.

   What book was he looking for specifically?

   "Damn it!" He groaned as he chose to go down to his knees and lean against the tall and dusty bookshelf, wiping the sweat from his forehead with a defeated sigh. "I'm sorry, kid, but it's not here."

   He looked to the side, where a grumpy yet saddened golden girl came stomping towards him before settling down next to him. Her gown puffing up like a mushroom before deflating around her, revealing her reddened cheeks and crossed arms in front of her chest.

   "Well, you could've tried looking at those shelves!" She jabbed a finger at a random shelf, making the agent sigh again. There was obviously no point of arguing with a kid for she was just as troubled as he was.

   "Yeah yeah," he rolled his eyes and pat Cupcake on her head as she pouted in anger and turned away with a squeaky "Hmph!". "I'll check it out. Don't worry."

   "No! Do worry! Wynter's gonna be so sad!"

   "Oof—." Mr.Trust held at where the little precious punched his arm and lightly glared at her. "Hey. When I say, "Don't worry", I mean it, kiddo. I'll help ya find your book and if Wynter does find out about our her book going missing, I'll back ya up. Okay?"

   Cupcake stared and eyed intensely ahead of her as if contemplating too hard before slowly nodding. "...Okay."

   She turned her top half and hugged Mr.Trust's arm very tightly, making the agent think she had cut off his entire blood circulation there. "Thank you, Mr.Rust!"

   "It's... Mr.Tru-."

   "HEY! I said "Thank you" so you have to say that I'm welcome!" She pouted again and pulled onto his sleeve's jacket stubbornly.

   "Okay, okay! You're welcome." He quickly pulled back his arm when she finally released him. He could have sworn if she had held onto him longer, she could have left a nasty tear on his sleeve. As if his suit needed any more tears on it.

   He huffed, allowing the room's gentle atmosphere consume him like how it did when he first entered it. He looked down when felt pressure on his arm and saw Cupcake lying her head on it. He thought that she must have been half-awake for he knew that a kid like her would not be lying her head on an adult she just met and another thing to back up his little theory was that her golden eyes could barely stay open.

   Well it was late after all so Mr.Trust thought he could just let her be. He felt like a responsible dad for a second there. You see, right after sending his brother back to the dorm, Mr.Trust had stumbled upon little Cupcake who came running out of her room. She appeared troubled so he chose to question her.

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