Chapter 31- it's all yours

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Chapter 31- it's all yours

I reach my room and start to clean it up because a lot of my old stuff is also here, rusting and catching dust.

I open the closet and find a lot of books which I love reading. I find some drawings from when I was 10, Chris and I used to draw together.

I smile and pull out a picture of us. A picture of the six of us which was taken when we were 11. I remove the dust off the picture and smile at it.

Wow, it has been eight years since this picture.

After I was adopted by mom, I got to know of this barn house and decided to store a lot of my stuff here. Or else mom would throw it all out because she thinks of it as useless.

I pull out another box which contains clothes from our first theatre play that we performed in.

I remember it was a tragedy play but it turned into a funny one because all of us kept messing up and created a lot of fuss.

I chuckle at the remembrance of the first play which brought all of us close. I smile as I pull out a picture of us at that play.

At the left is Chris and next to him is Kate, both looking at each other with a smile. They've always been cute.

Then there is Ian and I, looking at the camera and smiling because we were the only photogenic ones back then.

Then there is Tyler and violet, almost ready to rip each other's throats out as they try to fit into the same frame. They have always been fighting.

I smile and pull out another picture which was taken last year on Ian's birthday. This time all of us are smiling decently at the camera and it's the perfect picture.

I smile and brush the dirt off of it.

I find a necklace which is covered in mud and I decide to wash it. I walk towards the bathroom and suddenly it opens revealing Cayson in a towel, who is currently wet and the water is dripping from him and onto the floor.

He looks up and finds me staring at him. I try to take in what's happening but he screams and I also scream and he quickly walks into the bathroom and closes the door.

"What happened?" I finally ask when I stop screaming.

"Nothing. What are you doing here?" He asks, peeking from the door.

"Umm... this is my room. What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Showering," he replies back.

"Oh," I breath out and he sighs.

"Why did you scream?" He asks me and I scoff.

"I screamed because you screamed. Why did you scream?" I ask.

"I screamed because I thought you were someone else," he replies back. "I got scared."

Aww, he's so cute.

"So, are you planning on coming out of the bathroom?" I ask and he shakes his head sideways. "Why?"

"Can you pass me my clothes?" He asks pointing towards the clothes sitting on top of his bag.

Is he shy?

I walk to his bag and take his clothes from there and walk to the bathroom to give it to him.

"Here," I reply back, turning the other way and holding his clothes out on my arm.

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