Chapter 46- take that quacking duck

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Chapter 46- take that quacking duck

"Hey Venus," Ian calls out and sits on the gurney next to mine as others also walk inside the classroom filled with students giving blood.

"Hey guys," I reply back as play with the soft ball and the nurse stands next to me with a syringe.

"Sorry we're late but it's all because of this dumbass, she eats like a pig," Tyler points to violet and she scoffs.

"Shut up Tyler, we all know who took forever to park the car," she smacks his head.

"Anyways, we will sign in and donate blood. Meet ya outside?" Kate says and I nod as they all go to sign in.

"What are these?" The nurse asks when she looks at red marks on my skin.

I sigh. "They are bruises which aren't going away as fast as they should. Instead they are just clotting and it's red. They'll go away soon."

"Since when have you been getting these?" She asks as she points the syringe towards my hand.

"Uh- I think a couple of months?" I reply back and she nods.

The nurse puts the needle in me and I see my blood being held inside the syringe. She smiles and puts a cotton ball on it and tapes it up.

"You're ready to go," she smiles and I get up and leave the classroom.


I sit outside in the garden while waiting for others. I squint my eyes and I see Cayson and that quacking duck in distance.

Why the hell is she here?

Cayson sees me looking at him and he waves. I smile and wave back awkwardly and they make their way to the bench where I'm sitting.

"Hey Stavish," he sits down next to me and I smile.

"Hey, what're you doing here?" I ask and he chuckles.

"I just gave my blood," he smiles. "Oh and guess what?"

"What?" I ask and he frowns.

"You're suppose to guess it," he whispers and I smile.

"Uh... I don't know," I mutter.

"Well, Vanessa moved back into her old house so she'll be attending our school now," he says and Vanessa gives me a huge smile to which I don't react any way.

"Oh really? Well, good for her," I try to fake a smile and Cayson nods.

"Anyways, I should probably show her around the school," Cayson gets up and pecks my lips before leaving.

I pull my fingers to my lips and smile. Take that quacking duck, he kissed me in front of you.

I pull my arm to myself and notice all the bruises which I don't know how I got. Guess being clumsy does that to you. I touch them with my other hand and it hurts like shit.

"Ow," I wince and pull the sleeves down to cover them.

Everyone seemed to go back home after giving blood but Kate and others never showed up, even Cayson didn't.

I sigh and leave to my car.

Maybe they are stuck inside with a bad nurse. I sit down in my car and drive away.


I reach home and lock the door behind me.

"Venus," I hear someone calling my name and I turn around to face them.

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