Brady Tutton

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You walked into the school halls feeling like shit. Like you always do. You just couldn't take it anymore. The suffering. The depression eating you alive.

You just couldn't place where the source the depression was coming from.

It could be that maybe your crush would never like you back. And you knew this 100%. Or that maybe you were failing math. Or that your parents were fighting till 4 am in the morning. Your dog is getting really old. Your worried about your grandma at a constant rate. Maybe it was when your mom would come home, late at night half drunk yelling at your dad. Vise Versa. Maybe it's that you have never had your first kiss. No boy had ever asked you out.

Sometimes you felt like a waste of space. That if you were to perish, that yeah, a couple people would be sad, but they'd get over it after a week.

All you knew was that you were clinically depressed. And you've been like this for years. Always looking for the negative.

The build-up kept building.

But always, you'd keep a happy face and smile at your friends.

Today wasn't going to be that day.

You walk into the building, holding onto anything you can to not break.

"Hey y/n!" You hear a familiar voice. Brady.

You kept walking pretending you didn't hear it.

"Hey." He grabs your arm, pulling you back.

You try to grasp a fake smile when he turns you around.

"Hey- what's wrong." He realizes your stung face.

"Nothing." You mutter and try to look down. He rubs your arm soothingly as you try to shrug him off." I'm just stressed that's all." Your voice betrays you.

Without even thinking he grabs ahold of you and just hugs you. He wraps his arms around you and squeezes you to him, not letting you go.

You let go of your guard and just start sobbing. You have no idea why. But all the build of school, family, and drama just got to you. All that hold up, just letting that decrease. You finally hug him back just as tightly." I'm so sorry." You cry." I'm probably getting makeup all over you."

"Sh-sh, it's okay." He kisses your forehead and sways back and forth." What's wrong?" He says in a hushed tone.

For a while, you don't say anything, but you finally speak." Everything." You say.

"Just tell me one reason. I think it's better to let it out than keeping it in."

Maybe because I know you wouldn't like me in that way. There's one.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I'm just worried." He pulls back from the hug and looks at your eyes deeply.

"Worried about what?" You ask. Your sobs have now deteriorated away, filling it with full of questions.


"Why?" You question getting more curious by the second.

"Because you're my friend."

Once the word came out, it hurt. It hurt like hell.

You close your eyes and just nod your head. You sigh and shower him with a sad smile." A friend. Of course." You step away from him and readjust your bag.


"I'm fine." You turn around swiftly as you try to walk away from him. Further and further you go.

"Wait y/n!"

You stop in your tracks.

"Do you like me?"

Well, you can either fess up and tell him now or continue to lie to him.

"Brady, please don't make me answer." You turn back around to him." Let's say if I did. I already know the answer that you would say back to me. And I don't what to hear it." You turn back around.

"You don't even know what the answer is."

That stopped you in your tracks once more.

"Let's say you did like me... My answer that you think would be it, isn't the same answer you thought.

"What?" You turn around to him, confused beyond belief.

He walks slowly to you." Let's just say maybe I'm just as confused as you are."

"But you say you only see me as a friend."

"But didn't I also say that I was going to ace my history test."

That makes you giggle.

He smiles at you adoringly." That laugh. Is intoxicating. In the best way possible. I missed it."

You find yourself walking towards him too." So let's say if I did like you. What would you do?"

"I would do this." He takes his arms and reaches towards you when your in arms reach and puts his hands on your cheeks. He pulls your face towards his and your lips brush against one another. Marking it your first kiss.

The first shy kisses turn into passionate ones as you grasp his shoulder, pulling him closer to you. He takes both of his lips and wraps it around your upper lip as you do the opposite. You suck gently on his lips as you synchronize rhythm repeats making you grasp his hair.

Soon you pull away, waiting for the air to fill your lungs.

He smiles at you and puts his forehead against yours.

"Yeah, I like you." You finally say.

"You know what that means?" His grin brightens.

You give him a knowing smile and pull him back for another kiss.

Aww so cute, I hope you guys enjoyed this Imagine. Don't forget that my requests are open


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