Brady Tutton

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Requested By: kayci567

Kayci's Pov:

You don’t know what was going on between you and Brady. It seemed like he liked you, and it also seemed like he was a little protective over you.

Whenever you would talk to a dude, he would glare at him to make sure he wouldn’t try and talk to you again. You didn’t know if it were on purpose or not, or if he really just didn’t like those guys for whatever reason, but apparently it was okay for him to flirt with other girls while you were around.

Nevertheless, you still had feelings for him, and you were hoping that at the party tonight he would make a move. To be honest, you loved going to parties, so you were quite excited to be going to this one because Brady would be there too.

When you arrive at the party, you spot Brady, not hanging with anyone. You check your phone even though you have no texts because you don’t want him to think you were by yourself too.

You feel his eyes on you, but then when you look up, he’s gone. Was he trying to run away from you to avoid you? You start wandering, saying hello to a few friends until you spot Brady again, but this time, he’s with a girl.

He’s smiling and pulling apiece of hair behind her ear. You feel yourself getting heated from anger, but then you watch him getting close to her and whispering something in her ear. You get so angry because he usually flirts with you and shows you affection, then he just does it to another girl? 

You storm up too him and fake a smile and sarcastically say, “hey Brady, you look like you’re having a great time.”

“Yeah, me and Becky are have an awesome time,” he says overly joyful studying your face to see if what he’s playing is getting to you.

“Great. I’ll just leave you two alone then, you clearly have something great going on here,” you say as you exit that room and go to another.

That pissed you off so much, but you thought that you can get him jealous too. Whatever. It was no big deal. You decided you would brush him off, and look for a guy to talk to.

That wasn’t too hard because dudes just started hitting on you out of the blue. This one guy in particular came over, saw you dancing, and just starting dancing with you. It wasn’t like a sexual type of dry humping dance, but you were having a good time doing it and the look on both your, and the guys face showed it.

After a few minutes of dancing and laughter, Jake says, “you’re a really good dancer,” and he starts stroking your chin.

You forgot all about Brady by now, but he suddenly arrives and intrudes between the both of you.

“Hey, what are you doing man?” Jake questions.

“Listen dude, I don’t really care what the fuck you two are doing here, but me and Kayci have to talk right now.” Brady demands clenching tightly on to your wrist.

“Um, no we don’t!” you say angrily, releasing his grasp from you.

“It doesn’t seem like it’s mutual!” Jake shouts aware that you don’t want to converse with Brady at the moment.

Brady shoves him with both hands and says, “well it is”

“Fine man you can have her!” Jake yells as he walks away with a disgusted and annoyed expression on his face.

You then shove Brady, and exclaim, “what was that about you jerk!”

“Me? A jerk? I thought we had a thing going, and then I have to see you getting all up close and personal with some random guy you just met?! Come on, Kayci I thought you were better than that.”

“You hyporcrite!” you shout, “the only reason why I thought it was okay for me to do that was because you were over there hardcore flirting with Miss Blondie in the other room! You clearlyhave a thing with her and not me!”

“We just met!” Brady says back.

“Well then why couldn’t you just tell me that before when I first came up to you two?! When I said, ‘you two have something great going on here’ didn’t you think it would’ve been nice to tell me that there was NOTHING going on? Why’d you just let me think that–” 

There’s an awkward silence, as you start to put the pieces together. You stare at Brady quizzically and ask, “why did you let me think you had a thing?”

“…Well why’d you get so mad when you thought we did huh?” he asks back.

“This is about you not me!” you reply.

“Oh please Kayci, this would have all just been over and done with if you would just admit that you have feelings for me,” Brady shoots back.

“Well you clearly have feelings for me if you almost fought a dude because i was DANCING with him!! Hyporcrite!!” You yell.

“No YOU’RE the hypocrite!” he yells.

“You are!”

“No you are!”

Surprisingly, all the tension and emotions built up between the two of you errupt, in a passionate way because quickly after all that bantering you’re fight was interrupted by a kiss.

You two were both breathing heavily, trying to take your anger out on eachother. You hands roamed through his hair, and his hands roamed to your waist and lower. The kiss was passionate but short. 

When it ended you blurt out, “you were right I do have feelings for you.”

Out of breath, he replies, “and you were right too. I guess I was being sort of a hypocrite, but it’s just because I didn’t want to see the girl I feel so much for with another guy.”

You smile and wrap your arms around his shoulders. “I was so close to beating that kid up too I swear.” he says while laughing. You start laughing too

“Good thing we found a better way to let out our anger,” you say with a chuckle.

“Yeah,” he starts, “about that… Maybe we should try doing that some more, I have a lot of things bottled up inside me.

I hope you enjoyed you imagine kayci567 thanks for requesting and voting. I will see you guys tommorw with a brand new Preference.


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