Michael Conor

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Requested By: kayci567

You walk into school, with your friends. Your makeup and hair all done, and a mask on. You were wearing the prettiest dress you could find, you felt like such a princess.

It was nice to dress up like this; it was prom. What movies made seem like the night of your life. Sadly, no one had asked you to prom, but you still had you friends. You hadn’t heard that Michael hadn’t asked someone to prom, which part of you were glad about. 

Even outside you could hear the loud music. Everyone was dancing, and as soon as you walked in, you found yourself searching for Michael.

You find him dancing in the middle of the hall, and find yourself smiling at his wacky dance moves. It was cute, and it was the tiny things about him that made you like him.

Though you were shy, and he was popular, you still hoped that there was chance for you to be together. 

The hall was big, but very crowded…and hot. After about an hour of dancing, and sweating, and shouting, you started to feel hotter, tired…like you need to rest for a second.

“GUYS, I’M GONNA GO GET SOME FRESH AIR!” you shout, over all the loud music. You squish out of the crowd. There was so much people. You could smell the sweat and everyone was just so close together. You find your way out, and feel the breeze of the cold air brush into your face, and it feels so good to finally be able to breath the fresh air. You knew that in a few minutes, you would start to feel cold. 

“Isn’t it crazy in there?” you hear a voice beside behind you, and immediately, you knew who it was; Michael. 

“Very,” you reply, trying your hardest to keep your cool. You look at him properly, you never got to see how he really looked. It was just you staring at him from across the room, and you were just to afraid to talk to him.

He wore a mask that covered his whole face, but you could tell who he was. You wondered whether he felt the same way that you did. Did he feel nervous around you? Did he try to act cool around you? Did he search for you in the crowds? Did he even really know who you were? 

“You have pretty eyes,” he says, staring into your eyes. His compliment causes you to blush, and you reply with a quiet, “thank you.”

“I saw you out on the dance floor! You have some moves!” he says, “I never knew you could dance like that.”

“Thank you! I saw you out there, you have some…great moves,” you say, it was partly true. He was a bad dancer, yes. But you thought the way he danced was cute. 

“Don’t lie,” he laughs, I seriously can’t dance.”

“Ha, fine. You can’t, but I like the way you dance…it’s cute.”

He laughs again, “no one’s ever called me that.”

There is a moment of silence.

“Kayci,” he knows you. The way he says your name sends shivers down your spine. 

“Michael?” you say with a grin.”

“You’re cool.” 

“No one’s ever called me that.”

He laughs, “Slow dances start soon…wanna be my partner?”

“Of course.” 


The loud upbeat music got very slow very quickly. You were dancing with Michael, he places a hand on your back, and stretches his hand out holding onto yours.

“Your a lot different than I expected,” he says.

“In what way?”

“You seemed very quiet, and shy I guess. You were kind of intimidating, I didn’t know how to impress you.”

“Impress me?” you ask, very confused.

“Yes, impress you. You’re different to other girls. I know everyone says that…but you really are. Your beautiful, smart and funny… I could keep talking about you for the rest of the day if I could.”

You didn’t know how to reply. What do you say to someone complimenting you like that? The only thing you could think of was giving him a kiss…so you did that. You kissed him. 

“No one’s ever kissed me like that,” he says as you seperate. 

I hope you enjoyed your imagine kayci567. Thanks for requesting and voting. I will see you guys with a brand new Preference soon.

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