Chance Perez

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Requested By: mrschanceperez

Ever since Chance became vine famous, we haven’t had any alone time. Dates were cancelled or postponed, or I had work, and he had the TBTY tour. Things were getting terribly busy, but we were finally able to find some room in our schedule to dedicate a whole day to us.

“Babe, let’s go!” Chance called out from downstairs. I curled one more set of hair then I ran downstairs.

“Okay, I’m ready!” No one was there, “Chance?" 

I walked to my kitchen, and still no one. I don’t know why, but I opened some drawers and cupboards. It was like some reflex that whenever I’d look for something I’d look in drawers. 

"AHHHHHH,” The sudden scream made me jump, and I turned around and of course..

“Scare cam,” Chance smiled with his phone out pointed at me.

“Very funny, Chance. Come on, we agreed. No snap. Today is ours.” Don’t get me wrong, I love the fans and snap. I support everything he does online. It would just be nice to have one day where we are the focus.

Chance put his phone in my pocket. I walked over to him, grabbed his hand,and we finally left. Chance wanted to plan this date, so I had no idea what we were doing or where we were going. 

I walked to the passenger seat of his car, and tried to open it but it was locked.

“Chance, can you unlock the door?” I asked. He shook his head, “We’re not driving?”

“You guessed correctly,” He grabbed my hand and we began walking down the street. He continued, “and for the sake of surprise..”

He ran in front of me and began tying a cloth around my eyes. I touched the cloth then extended my arms out in front of me.

“Chance! No! You know I hate surprises!” I continued to flail my arms around until I could find something to grab.

Suddenly, I feel lips press against mine, and I became more and more okay with this situation.

“Trust me,” he whispers in my ear. His breath caresses my ear. I reluctantly nod and I let him lead the way. Chance kept his hands on my shoulders to move me when needed.

“Promise you won’t let go!” I demanded

“Promise,” He replied.

Then all of a sudden, Chance let go of me and I panicked a little but, I remove the blindfold prepared to scold him.

“You promised you wouldn’t-” I stopped immediately when I noticed that we were in the same spot we had our first kiss in.

He had kissed me right under this tree. We were only in the local park, I don’t know why he had to blindfold me. Then I realized Chance had been on one knee. I know this position. I’ve dreamed about him in this position. Getting him in this position in front of me had been my life’s goal.

“Lexi, I know I’ve been incredibly busy, but I promise that I will make more time for you, for us. I know I haven’t been the best boyfriend and you make me go insane sometimes, but all those moments made me love you even more.

I don’t think anyone could make me as happy as you do, and I want to dedicate my life to make you just as happy. Lexi, will you marry me?”

Every word that came out of his mouth made my heart beat faster, and I failed to notice the tears that were continuously spilling out of my sockets.

“Babe, this is the part where you say yes..or no..hopefully yes,” He said nervously biting his lip.

“Right..Yes. Of course, I’ll marry you, yes,” He stood up and I pressed my lips on his with so much force that his back hit the tree.

I wrap my arms around him and he goes deeper into the kiss. We both pull away smiling

From then on, I never hated surprises.

I hope you enjoyed your imagine mrschanceperez. Thanks for requesting and voting. I will see you guys with a brand new Preference soon.

QOTD- What grade are you guys going into?


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